And comes close another year and along with it our fourth end of year look back podcast. 2013 is behind us and we at Critical Distance look one last time at the major points that occurred along the way. We did our best to keep the podcast as manageable as possible, time wise. This year, instead of breaking it up between the events that happen and games that came out we’ve done them all at once in a single chronological run through of the year.
Eric Swain: The Game Critique
Kris Ligman: Dire Critic
Alan Williamson: Five out of Ten
Cameron Kunzelman: This Cage is Worms
Tropes vs. Woman in Video Games
The Collapse of the Animal Crossing Economy and the Rise of Villager Trading
Opening Theme: ‘Close’ by The Alpha Conspiracy
Closing Theme: ‘Wishing Never’ by The Alpha Conspiracy
Part 1: Direct Download
Part 2: Direct Download