This month’s podcast is all about a subject near and dear to our hearts: curation.
Here at Critical-Distance we curate games writing and other forms of criticism. But what about curation of the games themselves? Steam is getting flooded with new releases to say nothing about the games that never seem to get the spotlight at all, hidden away individual projects scattered around the web.
For this month’s podcast, Mattie brings two curators of small, free indie games (Merritt Kopas and Chris Priestman) to discuss the process and the philosophy behind what games they try to give the spotlight to and what audience they are trying to reach.
Mattie Brice: Alternate Ending
Merritt Kopas: mkopas
Chris Priestman: Warp Door
Opening Theme: ‘Close’ by The Alpha Conspiracy
Closing Theme: ‘Wishing Never’ by The Alpha Conspiracy