May 2016: ‘Childhood’

Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

This spring we’re going to do something a little different for Blogs of the Round Table. For May and June we’re going to discuss ‘Parenthood’! But for May we’re going to try to keep our writing focused on the experience of being a child, while June we’re going to turn to the experience of being a parent. Each month we’ll do a brief roundup and top it off at the end of June with a mega-roundup! So if you’ve got something to say about your experiences of play while growing up, how those experiences have changed with little one of your own, or parenting in general, send it along for our season-long celebration of ‘Parenting’!

How did your parents influence your experience of games and play? How did their care-taking change the way you look at games? How did growing up change your relationship to games? And how do games themselves explore parenting figures and the need for a caretaker? Tell us about games directed at children and and the guidance needed to mature as a player, developer, teacher, or however else you’re connected to games. We want to hear all about childhood this May and what part it has in developing, shaping and understanding play!

You have until May 31 to contribute your thoughts about childhood and we’ll be taking submissions on parenthood in general until June 30. The ‘Link-O-Matic 5000’ for May will update for each new post.

If you would like your own iframe, just copy-paste this piece of code onto your own site:

<iframe type="text/html" width="600" height="20" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Good luck and happy blogging!

Please email us your submissions or tweet them to @thecybersteam or @critdistance with the #BoRT hashtag. Happy blogging!

Suggestions for the Round Table:

  • Blogs of the Round Table is not curated. If you write it, we’ll publish it, as long as it’s connected to the topic and has been written specially for BoRT or up to one month prior.
  • Think of the BoRT topic as a starting point. Connecting your piece to the topic can be as creative as you want. We’re interested in writing about play, so be playful when you approach the round table!
  • This BoRT post is the home of the discussion: as we receive new submission blogs, we’ll update the ‘BoRT Linkomatic 5000’ so new blogs are reflected on this page immediately. We’ll also use the @critdistance Twitter account to post regular updates, so follow us!
  • As a knight of the round table we encourage you to leave a comment on a blog to which you respond with a link to the response piece and give the original writer a ‘right of reply’. Keep the conversation going!
  • If your work contains potentially disturbing content, please include a suitable warning at the start.
  • You can submit as many articles as you like throughout the month, and it doesn’t matter if they are commercially published, paywalled or available for free but we will need a transcript for paywalled content to be approved.