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Xavier Ho | Keywords in Play, Episode 30

…website, it’s the benefit of being a full-time academic, it’s your profile is public and so is your email. It’s, you can easily find me. I have a personal website with a portfolio, that’s and whenever people see it they’re like “Oh! You’re doing artwork and installations and you do what now? I thought you were just like a researcher or I thought you were just a designer”. I’m like, no, I also do art installations and stuff. So, the portfolio is quite interesting to look at and if people are interested in interactive media art like, I…

Kill Screen archive

This is currently pretty rough, but the hope is that this archive captures most of the in-depth writing done on Killscreen over its history up to 2017. We’d value any offers of help breaking this list down, e.g. by year, and even adding extra data such as author names and correct titles.

This page was created in early 2017 after institutional and infrastructural instability created some concern among games critics over Kill Screen’s future, as its archives became inaccessible for an extended period of time. The aim is to provide a backup if and when Kill Screen goes

Assassin’s Creed III

Critical Distance is proud to present this Critical Compilation of Ubisoft’s Assassin Creed III, curated by Gilles Roy. A history scholar with game design training at Montreal’s INIS, Gilles is also co-editor at Play the Past. You can follow him on Twitter @gillesroy.

In releasing the remastered edition of Assassin’s Creed III (AC3) in March 2019, interactive entertainment giant Ubisoft also delisted the original installment of the game from digital distribution platforms and services such as Steam and Uplay.

Perhaps it made commercial sense for Ubisoft to do this; such a move also prevented new players from

Aaron Trammell | Keywords in Play, Episode 12

…culture, right? I’m Black and so, thinking about this and its relationship to like characterization of people who play in Africa, right, who, in some instances in this early scholarship, are seen as barbaric is troubling, offensive, really problematic in some ways. I think that’s the first move to think about, is think about, like, what is this play scholarship doing? And then how is that play scholarship that’s happening is really moment interpolating and/or racializing people as it does that. Now, I want to put a brief caveat here, because there’s a really fascinating article, I think that get…

Final Fantasy VII

…game that did it all remains elusive. Said question rings as loud as ever in the wake of Square Enix’s first installment of Final Fantasy VII Remake, the mere existence of which recapitulates both itself and the game from whence it sprung to the inquiries of the multifarious Final Fantasy fandom: Why Final Fantasy VII? Why is this the franchise entry that gets the big-budget makeover first? Remake thus became, rather than a mere mechanical and aesthetic reupholstery of familiar narrative beats, a sort of litigation of its predecessor’s hotly debated place in the canon.

Tetsuya Nomura, Kazushige…

August 22nd

…trauma with multiplicity and ambiguity.

  • The Sims 2’s Preset Storylines are What Made it Magic – Uppercut Kayla Jouet digs into the lore and continuity of The Sims franchise, revelling in the background stories of The Sims 2 while finding The Sims 4 comparatively barren.
  • “Maybe it is a nostalgia factor, or maybe it was being a pre-teen and feeling intertwined in this messy world, but The Sims 2 was the best installment for the stories it told alone. I would like to load into a new world in the 4th installment and be greeted by…

    Emilie Reed | Keywords in Play Podcast, Episode 2

    …around and select different things. And also an important part of how it’s displayed is this environment of like replicating the living room that the character stays in, in the story as well. So you’re, you know, when I saw it installed there was like a couch, you were playing with a remote control that was kind of like on this old-style tv. So yeah, that’s, that’s a very interesting early project that was kind of like almost called a videogame in a way.

    Darshana: And there’s a sense that there was a lot different at stake, in Leeson…

    July 18th

    Sunday’s are for being at the snow – yes, it’s winter here and I’m at the snow. Thankfully, I’ve had the foresight to prepare this week’s instalment in advance. It’s almost like I’m speaking to you through time.

    Speaking of time, I’m not sure how I missed including this last time I compiled TWIVGB – it’s Margaret Robertson with a piece she originally wrote for a Polish newspaper, freshly dusted off and popped online. It’s about ‘games as dating tools‘ [mirror].

    Sent in by Matthew Gallant and continuing the trend of sourcing from outside this week in

    September 5th

    Critical Distance is back for another installment of This Week in Videogame Blogging. I’ll be filling in for Ben with a fresh round-up of the latest and most interesting pieces of analysis and criticism from all across the gaming blogosphere.

    Kate Simpson at Falling Awkwardly has started a new series of articles on the metaphysics of Morrowind to remedy the dearth of critical analysis about the RPG. While the first entry is simply a primer to the series, the second and latest piece takes an in-depth look at a piece of Morrowind’s fiction, dissecting it as an attempt

    May 15th

    Welcome to another exciting, informative, and hopefully entertaining instalment of This Week In Videogame Blogging.

    Before we swing into the usual routine, a few words about a certain blog post you may have read this week. Around about the time last week’s TWIVGB went live, Dan Cook wrote an inflammatory blog post called ‘A blunt critique of game criticism’, and a heated conversation bloomed across much of the blogosphere. I’ve made my personal response (to the original draft, which has since been edited heavily) on my personal blog but I wanted to comment here as well, since Critical