I don’t look at the weekend the same way as I used to. It’s always had something of a rejuvenatory aspect, a magical means to reset the struggles and stresses of the previous week, enough to make the coming Monday more tolerable—though with a dose of coffee for some. Juggling both student tasks and professional ones, however, has changed the way I look at my weekends. They no longer feel like time to be exempt from work—realistically, I tend to work more on my weekends.

The weekends themselves haven’t changed, only my perspective. This kind of perspective shift isn’t one that will likely help the world at large, but it’s still one I find useful for myself. This week has given me a lot of unique perspectives, which I’m enthused to get to share on This Week in Videogame Blogging! This week is huge, so let’s get right to it.

Looking Through Our Bodies

The idea of an alien perspective is often a hard lens to look through without sharing frames of reference. Things like identity and accessibility are too rarely explored, but too valuable not to.

Looking Through Our Interests

Games exist as many things at once: arts, entertainment, education, and escapism all intertwined in a strange chimeric form. The strange interplay of metaphorical tentacles, pincers, eyes, mouths, claws, and teeth stuck in the same body means that no one part of a game means the exactly the same thing for different players Our interests and our understandings of those interests drive the way we think to consider games.

Our Place in the World

Directly and indirectly, each of our existences create spaces in the world, and how we perceive the world and each other causes the world to change just a little by our input. Simply by being, we change the world by having a place in it.

Displaced by the World

Although we may alter our surroundings, they affect us as well. Sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse.

The Secret of Agents

Players are the agency that powers games. Without players to drive a game, nothing is likely to progress. The interplay between audience input and authorial intent creates a fascinating area of curiosity in gaming.

Developing Game Development

Games are also developed by individuals, who experiment with the medium as much as its players. Insights into the developer’s side of the fence can be as enlightening as its players’ perspectives.

Glancing Back with Fondness

History is often accidental. What we learn from looking at the past was rarely the intent of that piece of history to begin with. The past is, in some ways, as fascinating today as it was at its origin.

Cleaning Up Our Play Area

And finally, a bit of tidying, because not everything will fit so neatly into the bins we have set out.

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Thanks for joining me on this journey through perspective, and let’s hope next week’s is as novel.