Welcome back, readers.

I hope this roundup finds you well, wherever you are.

This Month In Videogame Vlogging is a roundup featuring the best videogame criticism to be made using a video format from the previous calendar month.


Plague Time

To begin with, these two essays consider how the coronavirus pandemic makes us reinterpret plague settings in videogames which themselves predated our particular crisis.

Looking for Something

The following four essays are interested in how games engage the player’s detective impulse with fragmented and parallel quests for meaning.

These Messy Processes

Here are some pieces that were difficult to categorise elsewhere, but collectively they deal with the indeterminate zigzags from A to B, the happy hazard-a-go’s, the malicious failures.

Completion Statuses

At the end of things, these two videos consider (sort of, from very different angles) the meaning and merit in completing games.

That’s all for the first video roundup for 2021! Hopefully I’ll be back in good time with another batch. In the meantime, please keep sending us your TMIVGV recommendations.


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Have you read, seen, heard or otherwise experienced something new that made you think about games differently? Send it in!