This Month in Videogame Vlogging

June 23rd


Welcome back readers. It’s been a minute since I plugged the Patreon, so if you like the stuff we do here, that’s the best way to help us keep doing it! This Week in Videogame Blogging is a roundup highlighting the most…

July-August-September 2022


Hey there, readers. How are you? It’s been a minute. This time, for a much delayed TMIVGV, we cast our gaze back to vods released between July and September 2022. That is to say, last year. Toot toot. Thank you to everyone…

May-June 2022


Hi there, readers. It’s time to roundup some vods! This crop comes from May and June, months that definitely happened very recently, and are not just a fading memory from a bygone season!! Fortunately these videos have all aged like fine pine…

March-April 2022


Hello readers. It’s me, Critical Distance’s resident vod-sifter. I’m back from my unintended sabbatical aka the painful and all-consuming process of finishing my thesis for submission. I’m all better now, thanks. Wish I could say the same for my thesis!! Heyooooo. (If…