This Month in Videogame Vlogging

February 2022


Hello readers, Vods. Vods, vods, vods. The vods have arrived. Get your vods below. This Month In Videogame Vlogging highlights the most compelling critical videos about videogames from the previous calendar month. It’s a Trap ‘Things contained within other things’ is the…

January 2022


Hello readers, I hope you’re well. Here are January’s vods and odds. This Month In Videogame Vlogging highlights the most compelling critical videos about videogames from the previous calendar month. In Defence of Maligned 3D Platformers A couple of essayists go in…

December 2021


Hello readers, December is traditionally a good month for “festivities” but a slow month for “discourse”, with many critics, essayists and content-makers opting to take a little break or put out some sort of top ten list. Meanwhile, others chose to upload…

November 2021


Hello readers, Yes, that time of the month has arbitrarily arrived: videodiscourserounduptime. For the final time in 2021, no less. I feel like I should say something grand here to mark the turning of pages, but I have nothing. It’s been a…

October 2021


Hello readers, Another month has passed on the Gregorian calendar, sending with it another 31 days in which people continued to upload videos about videogames to the internet. Some of these videos have ended up in this list, here, below, curated by…

September 2021


Hello readers, In September, Grace Lee dropped an interesting piece titled What Isn’t a Video Essay? considering the notion of boundaries and semantics when it comes to format/genre/categorisation, which while not strictly about videogames (hence my shoehorning it into this bit of…

August 2021


Hello readers, Welcome to a rather delayed August vod roundup. It’s still a bit frosty here on the deep southern side of the planet, but it was a warm month for videogame video discourse, so I took my sweet time sifting through…

July 2021


Hello there, readers. Yes, I’ve returned to bring you a fresh collection of videos about videogames for the twenty-second month in a row. I hope you’re well! The weather here is fine. It’s true that I’ve been eggbeater kicking in the seas…

June 2021


Welcome back, readers. Hello from Australia, where most of the country is back in lockdown. How are the rest of you doing? Something about a deadly heat dome? Apparently the Olympics are on? Okay. This Month In Videogame Vlogging highlights the most…

May 2021


Welcome back, readers. Gosh, this is a very late video-content roundup. It’s been one of those months. Sometimes these things get away from you (in this case ‘things’ meaning ‘watching vods about videogames’, and ‘you’ meaning ‘me’). My apologies. Hopefully this has…