Welcome back, readers.

April was a relatively quiet month for critical videos, which was frankly relieving after the madness of March. Still, there’s a lot here that I’m pleased to share with you. My boundless thanks, as always, for your many submissions and recommendations.

This Month In Videogame Vlogging highlights the most compelling critical videos about videogames from the previous calendar month.

Designs on Dystopia

To start with this April, two essays on how politics subtly-but-tangibly influence the design of videogames.

Tarot People, Dear Reader

There’s really no other way to put it – the following pair of videos both featured tarot reading as part of their discussion.

Style and Substance

Our next picks were more difficult to classify, deep dives with insightful analyses.

  • The Style of Bayonetta – eurothug4000 (20:09)

    Maria explores how a ‘camp’ aesthetic – following Susan Sontag’s definition – is conjoured from the mix of fashion and historical reference points of character and environment designs in Bayonetta. (Manual captions)

  • Frictional Games Reviewed: From Overture to Rebirth – Pim is Online (1:59:49)

    In chronological order of release, Pim talks through each of Frictional’s games to date – from Penumbra: Overture through to Amnesia: Rebirthalong the way touching on issues like puzzle and narrative design in horror, the importance of soundtracks, and the recurring use of problematically gendered tropes. I like Pim’s consistent comparisons to other media alongside references to other critics and even historical events to illustrate their analysis here. (Manual captions)

Against Assumptions

This hefty chunk of videos have a lot to say about breaking with expectations, whether that be tropes in game design, the aura of poor reviews, or declarations about who did what first.

 Growing Personally

Lastly for April (though certainly not leastly), a couple of nice vids look at the way game stories can help us change for the better.


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Have you read, seen, heard or otherwise experienced something new that made you think about games differently? Send it in!