This Month in Videogame Vlogging, July 2024

Welcome back, viewers.

While the purpose of this roundup is to focus on good videos about games, the closure of storied videogame magazine Game Informer last week can’t go unremarked on. Game Informer was hugely influential, and until its ignominious death was a home to many, many, many writers whose work has appeared in past editions of Critical Distance roundups. There is not much we can do to reverse the damage done by GameStop executives (or the executives at any games media outlet that has let its staff go in the last handful of years), but we can do this:

One of Game Informer’s former staff members, Alex Van Aken, has launched a new videogame documentary channel. The channel is called Viewport, and Van Aken already has some documentaries – on Another Crab’s Treasure and indie microgame Castaway – in the works. Go give Alex and Viewport your eyeballs and maybe a little monetary support as well. You can be sure we’ll already be seated when that Another Crab’s Treasure doc drops.

Speaking of monetary support, everything we do here at Critical Distance is reader supported through Patreon! Your membership helps us continue to cover great writing about games, whether that writing is done on the page or performed for the screen.

This Month in Videogame Vlogging highlights the most compelling critical videos about videogames from the preceding month.

The Viscerality of Videogames

Tales From Under the Erdtree

Material Concerns, Ephemeral Aims

Critical Chaser

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