November 27th


Never fear! This Week in Videogame Blogging is here! Let’s kick off this Sunday with a quick jaunt back to a piece we unfortunately overlooked from October, where SpecsandHeadphones turns those specs on the characterization of several women characters in videogames–that is,…

November 6th


Hello loyal readers, welcome to another This Week In Videogame Blogging!  Let’s jump right into another digest of the week’s best offerings from around the blogosphere: Straight from the New Yorker’s Culture Desk we have Chris Suellentrop’s piece on ‘The Video Game…

October 16th


Hello and welcome to #OccupyTWIVGB, where we’re interested in the best and brightest alternatives to the videogame review hegemony! Down with the 100 point scale! Up with rich description and analysis! Onward to an imaginative and constructively critical videogame future! Beginning our…