May 30th


First up, a quick pair of posts from the tail end of the week-before-last: Remember the new series from the LittleBoBeep blog “How Board Games Explain Everything”? Well between writing last week’s post and its publication the author Julian followed up with…

May 23rd


This week was the twentieth week of the year, and what pray tell has the critical videogame blogosophere been talking about? At the Ada Play blog Emily Bembenck writes about ‘social games and the pastoral’ which is an interesting aspect present in…

May 16th


Another week, another fresh crop of some of the best videogame blogging the web has to offer. Game Locker on YouTube brings a new instalment of his ‘Games Worth Remembering’ series, finishing up the two-part analysis of Ico and Shadow of the…

May 2nd


This Week in Videogame Blogging we take a trip around the critical games blogosphere to pick up some of the most interesting reading from the past week. We start our journey with Eric Swain’s comprehensive and ongoing efforts to collate the majority…

April 25th


Welcome to another hefty instalment of This Week in Videogame Blogging. First up, Daniel Floyd, he of the funny voice filter, presents part 8 of his video lecture series on games. This one is about ‘Video Games and Moral Choices’ apparently and…