April 2015: ‘Palette Swap’
byGlad you could make it. I hope you enjoyed your March and the first of April’s showers have already started to wash away all of winter’s cigarette butts and dog poops. Come in, come in. We’ll play a game! Pick out the…
Glad you could make it. I hope you enjoyed your March and the first of April’s showers have already started to wash away all of winter’s cigarette butts and dog poops. Come in, come in. We’ll play a game! Pick out the…
I want to make this clear from the get-go: there are no April Fool’s jokes to be found here. Just 100% undiluted Blogs of the Round Table. This month, we were discussing “Extended Play” “Have you ever been so immersed or so…
Welcome to the first Critical Distance Confab minisode! We’re trying something new with the podcast. There are so many games coming out at every level, everyday. So many of them fall through the cracks for one reason or another. Everybody has asked…
What’s up, fellow crit enthusiasts? If you’re looking for Easter candy, you’re a week too early, but we’ve got plenty of goodies from a slew of amazing writers to keep you content until then. So, welcome to This Week in Videogame Blogging!…
Continuing on with our theme of notable published video game books, we turn our eye to the other major work on 2012, Anna Anthropy‘s Rise of the Videogame Zinesters: How Freaks, Normals, Amateurs, Artists, Dreams, Drop-outs, Queers, Housewives, and People Like You…
It feels like March has just flown by us. These Sunday mornings are too swift for my liking too. But, before it grows any later in the day, let’s head right into it with This Week in Videogame Blogging! Spring on Jupiter…
Hello, everyone. I swear, between Friday the 13th and the Ides of March, if I find out Mercury is in retrograde right now, I am just quitting everything. But, you’ve waited long enough for this week’s roundup, so let’s get started. It’s…
Continuing on the theme of video game book publishing, we decide to talk with Gabe Durham, the founder and editor of BossFightBooks, right now, the leader in single game book criticism. As of recording he had just wrapped up the Second Season…
Hello there! I’m Cameron Kunzelman and after a long hiatus from doing this particular job I am back to deliver you some criticism about games that was released over the past week. I’m all about the content, so here it is! Design…
Welcome one and all to This Month in Let’s Plays! Let’s see what February had in store for us. Proteus, Rougelikes, and Design Trends: Oh My! In February, both Brendan Keogh and Amy Dentata discuss Proteus. While both Keogh and Dentata analyze…