June 28th

Welcome back, readers. First off, police still haven’t been defunded yet, and most officers who have killed Black people behind the cover of a badge are still free, so here are some links to start your day: Donate to The Bail Project…

June 21st

Welcome back, readers. As a few writers I follow are noticing, it feels weird in some ways to be writing about (or, umm, writing about writing about) games in Twenty-Twenty-Current-Date. There’s lots of more important shit going on. Speaking of which, some…

June 14th

Welcome back, readers. So like I know coverage of worldwide anti-racist protests tapered off just a little for a hot minute, with mainstream news outlets eager to move on, but people are still out on the streets fighting for real change and…

June 7th

Welcome back, readers. I spent time last week and this week trying to think through how to draw a thread between critical games discourse and the now-worldwide protests against anti-Black police violence/brutality/murder–of George Floyd, of many, many other victims of the systemic…

May 31st

Welcome back, readers. I know it’s been a hard week for many folks in and approximate to the US. Those of us who enjoy the privilege of not having to constantly think about the murderously-racist enterprise of law enforcement in the West…

May 24th

Welcome back, readers. Hey! We’ve got a new TMIVGV, courtesy of Connor which you should check out! I happen to be mired in the depths of a very, very grindy game right now, so having some thoughtful games writing to listen to…

May 17th

Welcome back, readers. Hope everyone’s keeping safe. A new episode of Keywords in Play is available now, featuring Dr. Emilie Reed! Don’t be shy; check it out! This Week in Videogame Blogging is a roundup highlighting the most important critical writing on…

May 10th

Welcome back, readers. No news around the site this week off the top of my head, but I would like to expend a special thanks to our community members on our public discord, who have been submitting recommendations and helping us to…

May 3rd

Welcome back, readers. Some news from around the site. First off, we’ve opened a new call for Critical Compilations! As an alleged academic, I have long appreciated these features as invaluable research resources, so if you’re interested in pitching one on a…

April 26th

Welcome back, readers. Hope everyone’s staying safe! I wasn’t sure if I was going to, but Final Fantasy VII Remake seems to be just weird and subversive enough (see Heather Alexandra’s article below) that I’m going to have to get around to…