This Week in Videogame Blogging

December 19th


Welcome back, readers. Connor’s back at it with another bursting TMIVGV. Give it a look if you haven’t already! Also from around the site, just a few days left to submit your recs to the annual This-Year-In-Videogame-Blogging end-of-year roundup! This Week in…

December 12th


Welcome back, readers. You’ll never believe what happened to me today, reader, for this issue to be going out so late in the evening. Well. . . actually, you would believe it. It’s all entirely believable, and not entirely interesting. Long story…

December 5th


Welcome back, readers. It’s a good month, I think, when the first roundup of the month doesn’t, owing to a dire lack of editorial oversight (I am both writer and copy-editor of these roundups), make its debut wearing the title of the…

November 28th


Welcome back, readers. This week I’m running a pared-down issue in a nonstandard format, as I seek out the narrative glue that binds all nine of this week’s new selections. This Week in Videogame Blogging is a roundup highlighting the most important…

November 21st


Welcome back, readers. New Keywords this week! Our latest episode’s guest is Felan Parker. Check it out! This Week in Videogame Blogging is a roundup highlighting the most important critical writing on games from the past seven days. Cold Open This week’s…

November 14th


Welcome back, readers. Before we delve into this week’s textual selection of critical offerings, Connor has returned with this month’s audio-visual anthology for those who appreciate their crit served with a play button, and this month’s issue is a doozy, so be…

November 7th


Welcome back, readers. Today we bring you, as always, a varied and veritable selection of cool and interesting critical writings on games. And thank you–I do not say this quite often enough I think–for your continued interest, readership, and support in this…

October 31st


Happy Halloween, readers. I find myself coming up short for stunning witicisms to introduce this issue with. Instead, from the bottom of my ((un)dead) heart, I hope you have the opportunity to gather with some friends, wear a ridiculous onesie if that’s…

October 24th


Welcome back, readers. New TMIVGV this week! Check out some of the goodest and coolest video crit to come out in the last while, courtesy of, as always, Connor. This Week in Videogame Blogging is a roundup highlighting the most important critical…

October 17th


Welcome back, readers. New Keywords! This week’s guest is games academic, legal scholar, and loot box expert Leon Xiao. Check it out! This Week in Videogame Blogging is a roundup highlighting the most important critical writing on games from the past seven…