This Week in Videogame Blogging

August 23rd


Welcome back, readers. Feels strange that summer is winding down–that technically 2020 is winding down. What is time, again? Keep safe, everybody. There seems to be no end of fires this year (some of them quite literal), and accompanying them no shortage…

August 16th


Welcome back, readers. Hope you’re taking care of yourselves as best as you can. Before we begin, check out this list of national and local bail funds supporting anti-racial-injustice protesters across the US. Yes this is still really important! This Week in…

August 9th


Welcome back, readers. First things first, here’s a list of national and local bail funds supporting anti-racial-injustice protesters across the US. Local support is just as important as, if not more so than, national support! Around the site, we’ve got a new…

August 2nd


Welcome back, readers. This week I’d like to start by directing your attention to The Okra Project, which supports Black Trans people with home-cooked meals and resources! Check them out. Around the web, Heterotopias has a new issue, with a theme of…

July 26th


Welcome back, readers. I’ll direct you again to begin with our usual starting point. Keep active resistance to anti-Black fascism going by supporting those on the front lines. Also, the Itch bundle supporting Black trans artists is still live! Go get it…

July 19th


Welcome back, readers. First things first: our usual starting point. The media coverage of protests against anti-Black police brutality in America and elsewhere is diminishing, but the fascist effort to thwart them is intensifying. Around the site, we’ve got two new things…

July 12th


Welcome back, readers. As you have perhaps come to expect by now, we begin with our usual starting point. The push for systematic reforms that will meaningfully oppose and resist racial injustice must carry on beyond the window of topical trendiness. On…

July 5th


Welcome back, readers. First, our usual starting point. You may not be reading about the protests against anti-Black police brutality in the headlines as often these days, but they go on. No justice, no peace. Second, did you see our new Critical…

June 28th


Welcome back, readers. First off, police still haven’t been defunded yet, and most officers who have killed Black people behind the cover of a badge are still free, so here are some links to start your day: Donate to The Bail Project…

June 21st


Welcome back, readers. As a few writers I follow are noticing, it feels weird in some ways to be writing about (or, umm, writing about writing about) games in Twenty-Twenty-Current-Date. There’s lots of more important shit going on. Speaking of which, some…