This Week in Videogame Blogging

Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

March 26th


Every week, games criticism seems to get better and better at pro-actively addressing the political and historical circumstances we occupy. This week is a stellar example, with pieces covering prisons, futurism, and feminist readings of horror. Muñoz, Camus, Watts I’m starting this…

March 19th


This week’s critical writing changed my understanding of how games connect to the physical world and to urban life. Let’s go on a little wander through the winding paths of online discourse. Visuals and sound Slightly stepping away from our overwhelming reliance…

March 13th


We spend time in caves, bedrooms, and bathrooms this week as games critics discuss how to make games cute, politically relevant, and intimate. This week’s roundup comes a little late, but it’s a good one! Back to the cave We start with…

Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

March 5th


This past week has been full of thoughts, on beginnings and endings, and worth reflecting on before next week starts in earnest. Hopefully your weekend has treated you as gently it could, warming and preparing you for the coming week. Particularly for those…

February 26


This week’s roundup asks where violence fits in political discourse and how to care for yourself in a troubled environment. Interesting Times (Content Warning:discussions of violence and racism) Joking Matters YouTube’s Edgy Jokes Are Part Of A Bigger Debate In The Comedy…

February 19th


This week, critics find different ways to talk about paranoia, fear, and comfort in relation to videogames. Imagine with me now I want to start with a little link to the roundup of Emilie Reed’s special event that wrapped up this week…

Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

February 12th


Is ignorance bliss? What kind of things can we learn when we admit to truly knowing nothing at all? Games critics this week have been considering the problems of celebrating ignorance as well as the benefits of eschewing expertise. Getting lost First,…

February 6th


A lot of games critics worry, understandably, that their work can’t address the problems that people face in the real world. Others have already started the work of politically-engaged games criticism long ago. This week there are lots of examples of the…

January 29th


Do you feel like garbage right now? Well then I have a treat for you. Games critics this week have gone searching through the detritus of the city for hidden treasure, and created archives of material for others to enjoy. Along the way,…

Cartoon strip cell showing a child at a riverside, with text "I remember when I was that small, when textures and smells were so much stronger"

January 22nd


I love it when critics find ways to get a point across without words. Images can be just as valuable a critical tool as writing; they offer a different set of techniques for demonstrating what a game is doing or what it…