This Week in Videogame Blogging

Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

November 13th


I don’t want to callously overstate the importance of games at a time like this. There’s so much to be done to change the conditions that have led to Brexit, Trump, and right-wing gains in other Euro-American countries, and speaking personally, I…

November 6th


It’s a new month and a time of shiny new treats for games writing. This week saw the launch of Waypoint, which seems to have allowed the Vice Gaming crew to grow a bit and build their own set of interests and…

October 30th


Hello, dear readers! It’s time for a special Halloween edition of TWIVGB. While the last time I covered the weekend roundup was Valentine’s Day, I assure you that I’m not just here for the chocolate. Tricks and treats from the game industry…

October 23rd


With just one week to go until All Hallow’s Eve, many games critics are considering the scariest thing of all: our Kafkaesque relationship with institutions of power. Mwahahahaha. Opponents by chance Starting this week’s roundup are three pieces on randomness, chance, and…

October 16


It’s been quite a while since I’ve been called to round up This Week in Videogame Blogging and clearly I’ve forgotten how easy it is to let the time go by. We’ll call that a consequence of having so much great games…

October 9th


I’ve been thinking a lot this week about what the goals of criticism should be. I’ve been involved in this for years and yet I’m still not immune to these periodic internal crises of identity. Thankfully, some of the pieces that came…

October 2nd


Welcome to our swanky new website! It’s been an intense week of web development, and I’m not sure I’ve ever felt quite this proud of a website I’ve worked on. I hope you like what you see, and do let me know…

September 25th


I’m blown away by the volume of high-quality writing this week. All the great stuff seems to be coming out at once! It’s overwhelming. To make it all a little easier to digest, I’ve broken this week’s roundup into four parts. Take…

September 18th


I don’t look at the weekend the same way as I used to. It’s always had something of a rejuvenatory aspect, a magical means to reset the struggles and stresses of the previous week, enough to make the coming Monday more tolerable—though…

September 11th


Welcome to this week’s late summer feast of writing on games, semiotics, and dogs.  Morality First we address the moral questions explored in interactive fiction, as two critics play the politics of enlightenment. Pigmote Isle | Problem Machine The Problem Machine blog…