This Week in Videogame Blogging

June 8th


Alright Mark, you only get to make one first impression. Make it count. H-hey everybody. I have a scab on my thigh. … Hey look! It’s This Week in Videogame Blogging! The Forest Patricia Hernandez expresses disappointment with Tomodachi Life‘s heteronormativity over…

June 1st


Hello everyone, Lindsey here: long time reader, first time contributor. I’m excited to be here and really just hope I don’t break anything during This Week in Videogame Blogging! Themantics In my attempt to blend “semantic” and “theme” into one word, I…

May 25th


Hello! It is May 25th – or, as we call it in the UK, 25th May. It’s a beautiful summer’s day in Britain, which means there are only a few hours until it rains again. So let’s get this over with so…

Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

May 18th


Good morning, or other period of the day in which you find this. I’ll bet you just woke up, though. It’s okay, I won’t judge. Welcome to This Week in Videogame Blogging! Game Studies A great piece of entry-level reading for anyone…

Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

May 11th


So how about that Eurovision? Eh? Eh? I am a worldly American, I know these cool things all my European friends are into. No, seriously, Moldova should’ve made it into the final. Anyway, the dust has settled and France somehow squeaked by…

May 4th


Welcome to another invaluable edition of This Week in Videogame Blogging. Today we’re bringing you thoughts on the four fundamentals of the universe: time, space, death and taxes. Follow the Money  Starting us off is Dan Joseph at Drop Out Hang Out Space…

April 27th


The magic circle. You opened it. We came. Welcome to This Week in Videogame Blogging. We have such sites to show you. Sound Advice Liz England offers up a useful analogy for thinking about the role of the game designer. Meanwhile on…

April 20th


Left unfulfilled by last week’s shorter-than-average roundup? Never fear. I have an outpouring of goodies for today’s pagan rite of spring. Hoist up the maypole and grab a flagon of mead — it’s time for This Week in Videogame Blogging! Safer Spaces…

Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

April 13th


Short and sweet this week, and if you must blame someone, blame my old feed reader. The good news is, we have some great fresh faces in this week! So let’s get going with This Week in Videogame Blogging! Racefail Stephanie Jennings…

April 6th


Tie a knot at the end. Fold to the right. Fold again. Fold again. Again. Pinch the corners. Congratulations! You’ve made origami. With all the careful craftspersonship of an unsung artisan of Etsy, we are here to fill your Sunday with colorful…