This Week in Videogame Blogging

October 6th


Well, if it isn’t our special guest, awake at last. Forgive the stasis field, but we can’t have anyone sneaking through the ventilation shafts. It’s awfully dangerous in there. Go ahead, take in the sight. What you see up there is only…

Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

September 30th


Look up. There is a vast, majestic void filled with thousands of stars looking down at you. But are they really watching? Are they actually real? The horror of empty void fills your heart with terror. With Kris Ligman gone for the…

September 22nd


I don’t know what to tell you, readers. It’s been a few weeks now and I’m still playing Saints Row. Apparently some other sandbox game launched, but until I hear whether it features superpowers, I think I’m staying put. Well, almost. First…

September 15th


Hard to believe it’s already mid-September! Schools are back in session, IndieCade is on the horizon, and my cat might actually stop shedding soon (no she won’t). So sit back, curl up with a blanket, and have a nice warm cup of…

September 8th


Okay, Boss. I’ve loaded up the simulation with the files you requested. I don’t think you actually know what you’re doing since, well, it’s a bunch of words and you’re not exactly big on those, but have at. One last thing. I’ve…

September 1st


Sunday afternoons are made for being lazy. Just stretch out, scratch the nearest cat tummy and watch the dust particles float on by. But there are still posts to read and link lists to curate. So on with This Week in Videogame…

Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

August 25th


Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Guess what? It’s This Week in Videogame Blogging! We Attack Digipen at Dawn! (Context.) On Game Girl Advance, bibliophile Jane offers one proposed answer to the discoverability problem. Elsewhere, on Psychology of Video Games, Jamie Madigan draws upon…

August 18th


Welcome all. I am your intermittent host Eric Swain. Kris is off relaxing out in the northern wilderness so I’m picking up the curating duties in the meantime. We have a doozy of a This Week in Videogame Blogging ahead of us,…

August 11th


How has it been three weeks since I’ve done one of these? My thanks to Cameron and the Ericbot for stepping in on quite short notice while I took some time off. But don’t think you’ve gotten rid of me for long!…

August 4


Kris Ligman has become addicted to the powder waste of the Pelumbran Cackler Frog. I’m Cameron Kunzelman. I will be your guide to video game blogging this week. FINAL FANTASY IS DEAAAAAD Last week ended with an interview with Nobuhiro Goto and Motomuru…