This Week in Videogame Blogging

August 18th


Welcome all. I am your intermittent host Eric Swain. Kris is off relaxing out in the northern wilderness so I’m picking up the curating duties in the meantime. We have a doozy of a This Week in Videogame Blogging ahead of us,…

August 11th


How has it been three weeks since I’ve done one of these? My thanks to Cameron and the Ericbot for stepping in on quite short notice while I took some time off. But don’t think you’ve gotten rid of me for long!…

August 4


Kris Ligman has become addicted to the powder waste of the Pelumbran Cackler Frog. I’m Cameron Kunzelman. I will be your guide to video game blogging this week. FINAL FANTASY IS DEAAAAAD Last week ended with an interview with Nobuhiro Goto and Motomuru…

July 28th


Hello all. Eric Swain, your friendly neighborhood background editor, here. I’m back at the helm of This Week in Videogame Blogging this week. We got a lot to swing through, so let’s get started. The Castle Doctrine Spawning out from the first…

July 21st


Kris is taking a much-deserved break this weekend and recharging her cognitive faculties with sleep and Animal Crossing. So I’ll be hosting this weekend, bringing back some classic This Week in Videogame Blogging. I hope you’ve all been enjoying the Steam sales…

Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

July 14th


I should probably start this off with a corny allusion to Pacific Rim, or the EVO tournament, or the Steam summer sale currently ruining everyone’s wallet. I ran through a bunch of permutations. But cheekiness just don’t seem like it should be…

July 7th


This is the longest I’ve gone without playing Animal Crossing in weeks and reader, it’s approaching actual physical pain now. This game ought to be a controlled substance. But enough about me. Let’s get you your weekly hit before the itching and…

June 30th


Get ready for the jingle-jangle of This Week in Videogame Blogging, the Internet’s top shelf stock of videogame criticism, analysis, deep reads, cultural critique, and more. TEXTUAL READINGS Who doesn’t love a good textual analysis? They may be out of vogue among…

June 23rd


Hello, Mayor Reader! In Critical-Distance Land, it’s Sunday, June 23rd, 2013, and the current time is 3:35 a.m.. Well then, shall we get started? Yes, let’s. I need help first… >This Week in Videogame Blogging! Wonderful. Let me get you set up!…

Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

June 16th


Since Kommandantin Ligman is off attending the Enormous Explosions Expo or some such, it has again fallen to me, humble foreign correspondent, to bring you the latest in quality games writing. Hold on to your fedoras, it’s This Week In Videogame Blogging….