This Week in Videogame Blogging

May 20th


Are you ready? You’d better be! It’s time for This Week in Videogame Blogging and I’m not going to hold back! We start with Leigh Alexander’s recent essay for Gamasutra on the resurgence of the text adventure as an indie genre, supported…

May 13th


What the heck– you’ve waited enough. Let’s get right to it with this week’s best and brightest of the Ludodecahedron. It’s time for This Week in Videogame Blogging! Tumblr-er Flutiebear starts us off with this excellent two part series applying Victoria Lynn…

May 6th


Muchas gracias are due to Ben for filling in on my curatorial role last week. He’s not getting this job back, though! Come hell or term papers, it’s time once again for This Week in Videogame Blogging! To kick us off, Eurogamer’s…

April 29th


Oh dear look who left the keys to TWIVGB on the kitchen table for me to find. Yes, in her distracted exam-cramming state, Kris left me in charge of TWIVGB once again. I’m sorry. Look, here’s a little secret I’m going to…

April 22nd


Happy Sunday! It’s all highs and lows in This Week in Videogame Blogging, as we once again look to the best of the best in gaming critique and commentary from across the web. Whether you’re an optimist or a pessimist, a realist…

April 15th


Achoo! It’s too cold for my liking over here. Let’s warm up by the fire with a nice fresh supply of game criticism, theory and commentary. It’s This Week in Videogame Blogging! The man I usurped to get this gig, Ben Abraham,…

April 8th


The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated. Welcome to another fantastic week of gaming commentary, criticism and insights! It’s This Week in Videogame Blogging! We kick things off with an essay from Shay Pierce, the lone Omgpop employee holdout who…

Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

April 1st


Today we look at the oeuvre of one of game blogging’s greatest. He’s a feather in Kotaku’s snappy stetson, a man of nuance, complexity, and charisma. When he posts, the blogging world stops, and not just because his publishing block is at…

March 25th


I’m all out of clever schticks this week, so let’s just get right to it. It’s time for the best and brightest of videogame commentary and criticism, This Week in Videogame Blogging! We start off by checking in with our friend Sebastian…

March 18th


Guess who’s back! Back again. That’s right, Ben is back and in charge of this week’s entry in the neverending story that is This Week In Videogame Blogging. Okay so, here’s the skinny. My  week was eaten up first by jet-lag, then…