This Week in Videogame Blogging

December 19th


I’m writing this week’s TWIVGB in Notepad, a couple days early, on my housemates laptop, as it’s the only one with an internet connection. This can only be only of the last TWIVGB’s for the year. Straight into it! Let’s start with…

December 12th


Another week, another This Week In Video Game Blogging, done by yours truly, the master of the shotgun style of aggregation. We begin at Popmatters Moving Pixel’s blog where early in the week Kris Ligman finishes the sites set of posts focusing…

December 5th


It’s been a long and exciting year in the world of videogames. With only a few more weeks before 2010 comes to an end, we’re given a good chance to look back at the year behind us and reflect upon the titles…

November 28th


This the final week of November sees perhaps the strongest cohort of posts in a long time – great posts, one and all. It’s This Week In Videogame Blogging. From a couple weeks back, Jonathan Stickles at Preparing for the Apocalypse talks…

Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

November 21st


With an absolute surfeit of super games writing, collected from the very smallest blog to the largest online newspaper column, it can only be: This Week in Videogame Blogging. First up, Laura Parker for Gamespot AU writes about “the need for new…

November 14th


It’s that time of the week where we bring you the best of everything we could find from around the blogosphere. This is TWIGB. Gunthera1 on The Border House blog applauds Activision’s Call of Duty: Black Ops commercial for its diversity [mirror]…

November 7th


This Week in Videogame Blogging returns with a fresh new roundup of links, featuring some of the most interesting articles about videogames that the hard-working and hard-writing blogosphere has to offer. Annie Wright of GamerMelodico writes about how she felt marginalized by…

October 31st


This week we have a plethora of interesting writing, gathered from the furthest ends of the videogame blogosphere. Let’s start with the stuff that got lost in the editors’ inbox for a few weeks: Matthew Gallant writes in to suggest we take…

Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

October 24th


Another week, another haul of the best game writing and criticism the internet can provide. First up this week is Chris Green’s look at ‘Demon’s Souls as Epic Poetry’ [mirror] for Chronoludic. It’s worth reading because it’s an attempt at actually writing…

October 17th


Ben is away for the weekend and has asked me to step in once again at the last minute. So here we are, another weekend, another This Week in Video Game Blogging. Last week a few good pieces were submitted late and…