This Week in Videogame Blogging

September 12th


I know it’s late this week, so let’s get right into it. There are two video essays this week. Continuing his series examining Shadow of the Colossus and Ico, TheGameLocker published the third part this week. At the Escapist Daniel Floyd in…

September 5th


Critical Distance is back for another installment of This Week in Videogame Blogging. I’ll be filling in for Ben with a fresh round-up of the latest and most interesting pieces of analysis and criticism from all across the gaming blogosphere. Kate Simpson…

August 29th


It’s time once more for This Week in Videogame Blogging, in which we take a look at some of the most interesting pieces of criticism and analysis from across the blogosphere. I’ll be taking a break from compiling TWIVGB for a few…

August 22nd


Just a quick one this week, as my country heads to an election and I spent all day at a polling booth spruiking for a grassroots organisation unaffiliated with any party. But that’s neither here nor there; it’s time for This Week…

August 15th


Since last week’s instalment, Justin Keverne completed his annotated walkthrough-meets-examination-meets-deconstruction of Deus Ex’s first level – Liberty Island. Weighing in at six lengthy parts, it’s very thorough. Missed this one in the shuffle last week but it’s too brilliant to omit; Auntie…

August 8th


I spent the latter third of this week recovering from an operation to remove my wisdom teeth, so if anything seems a bit off in This Week In Videogame Blogging, I’m going to blame it on the drugs. First up this week…

August 1st


I missed this because I was away last week at the snow, making snowpeople and snow forts and having an all around great time: Tim Stone invents a fanciful interview with The Flight Sim Genre (yes, the genre personified) in which some…

Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

July 25th


Ben kindly asked me to take over this week as he would be away from the internet and, as you can imagine, that makes it difficult to complete one’s duty of rounding up the best the blogosphere has to offer. To start…

July 18th


Sunday’s are for being at the snow – yes, it’s winter here and I’m at the snow. Thankfully, I’ve had the foresight to prepare this week’s instalment in advance. It’s almost like I’m speaking to you through time. Speaking of time, I’m not sure…

Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

July 11th


According to my working document naming convention this is the 70th TWIVGB I’ve assembled. That’s somewhat mind boggling, and so is the number of posts this week! Greg J. Smith at Serial Consign usually blogs about architecture, and occasionally, we are blessed…