February 14th
byThis week Frank Lantz was at the Art History of Games conference and he reports back to say that, ‘Doom is too Rock ‘n’ Roll to ever be confined to a museum, man’! But not in quite so many words. The AHoG…
This week Frank Lantz was at the Art History of Games conference and he reports back to say that, ‘Doom is too Rock ‘n’ Roll to ever be confined to a museum, man’! But not in quite so many words. The AHoG…
Welcome to the first TWIVGB for February. At this rate, the first anniversary of TWIVGB will be upon us before we know it. This week Evan Stubbs finishes his three part series of musings on online digital distribution for games [dead link,…
Welcome to the Church of This Week In Videogame Blogging. I’ve prepared a special sermon once again, oh ye faithful. SnakeLinkSonic wrote last week about the connection between Star Wars and Metal Gear. You didn’t see that one coming did you? You…
It’s a long way to Tipperary, it’s a long way to go. Mercifully closer is This Week in Videogame Blogging, which just happens to be right here. Jenn Frank of Infinite Lives writes one of the best explications of the importance of…
Let us ponder together the mysteries of the week in videogame blogging, but first something I missed reading last week. And it’s Ian Bogost writing about the potential for fruitful exploration of classic consoles and expired platforms by developing new titles for…
And we’re back, with the first instalment of This Week In Videogame Blogging for 2010. Straight to it as there’s a lot to get through, having been off-air for some time, and quite a bit of it has been sent in by…
Due to holidays, travel and work commitments, I haven’t been present for much of the online goings-on of the past week or so. In lieu of a proper TWIVGB last week, here’s a mid-week supplemental edition with the caveat that I haven’t…
So called ‘real life’ reasserts it’s dominance again this week, forcing my hand into writing TWIVGB a little earlier than I usually do. Apologies if I miss anything particularly noteworthy from the week, and you can always get in touch to let…
Time again for another instalment of This Week In Videogame Blogging – but first a quick preface. I want to apologise to all the people who have emailed links over the past few months with and suggestions to pieces of critical writing….
What with new games to play, steam sales to snap up bargains from, and the never-ending deluge of solid games criticism it’s been a tough week to stay on top of it all. As always, please consider sending links to the Critical…