This Week in Videogame Blogging

Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

July 5th


As if to make up for the slightly lighter post last week, the videogame blogosphere seems to have redoubled its efforts and produced an absolute ton of great reads This Week in Videogame Blogging. The first thing I spotted was David Wildgoose’s…

June 28th


This Week In Videogame Blogging is going to have to tend ever-so-slightly towards brevity I’m afraid, as I’ve got exactly two hours to bash this out before I go to a charity event organised by a friend called ‘Drawtism’. I’ll let your…

June 21st


Welcome to This Week In Videogame Blogging, where I try to round up the best blog posts from the critical gaming blogosphere. This week, Rob Lefevre’s reflective post about why he runs a gaming website caught my eye. Because of the decision…

Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

June 14th


Time to play catch-up – what posts did I inevitably miss reading last week? First, this piece on Left 4 Dead (the first) from Gregory Weir’s Game, Set, Watch column ‘The Interactive Palette‘. He says that “by creating enemies that can combine…

June 7th


Is it really that time of the week again already? I don’t think I’ll ever get used to the whole “passage of time” thing – surely it’s some sort of crazy conspiracy… Much like this week’s announcement of Left 4 Dead 2…

May 31st


This week in videogame blogging we cruise through some videogame music, take a look back at an overlooked classic, pick up a couple of excellent pieces we missed from last week and a Chick gets stood up by Sony. Onwards and upwards!…

Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

May 24th


This Week in Videogame Blogging: Hard-Casual reveals exclusively that Dig Dug has uncovered the body of Jimmy Hoffa! Now that that’s out of my system; Once more unto the breach, dear friends. For my fellow Australian readers, David Wildgoose turfs up another thoughtful commentary…

Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

May 17th


A short ‘n’ sweet one for This Week in Videogame Blogging. Not because no-one wrote anything good but because I didn’t keep my usual close tabs on the regular blogs I read. C’est la vie! As always, TWIVGB makes no claims to…

Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

May 10th


Welcome! Welcome! Pull up a pew – anywhere will do. Let us now pray and give thanks to The Gods of Blogging About Videogames for this bountiful harvest of tasty reading we are about to receive. Today, we give thanks for the…

May 3rd


Welcome to another exciting instalment of This Week In Videogame Blogging. Before we dive in, I should probably explain how I go about compiling this list of the best stuff from around the blogosphere from the week. It goes something like this:…