This Week in Videogame Blogging

September 3rd


Welcome back readers. It’s somehow already September and I am wishing a very cathartic Labour Day weekend to everyone involved in any kind of strike action right now. As of this publication, this group may imminently expand to include videogame voice actors….

August 27th


Welcome back readers. I am fully in my Armored Core VI era this weekend. Kind of relieved that it’s broken the Diablo IV spell I’ve been under, honestly! I’ll be keeping an eye out in the weeks to come for the kind…

August 20th


Welcome back readers. Five days until Armored Core 6 but who’s counting? No news around the site to report this week, but my heart goes out to anybody crunching to get an AC review in by the embargo date. Or Starfield for…

August 13th


Welcome back readers. No major news to report around the site this week, and since we are apparently once again Doing A Discourse, I’ll count my blessings on that front. Let’s get right to the writes! This Week in Videogame Blogging is…

August 6th


Welcome back readers. Happy Baldur’s Gate III week to those who celebrate. As for me, if I end up having to take a suspicious Monday Mulligan getting the roundup out in a couple weeks, well, consider this Armored Core For Shadowing. This…

July 30th


Welcome back readers. Around the site, we have not one, not two, but three new episodes of Keywords on Play for you to catch up on, featuring guests Felania Liu, Stephanie Harkin, and Xavier Ho. Phew! On to the written stuff! This…

July 23rd


Welcome back readers. Started a new job this week, putting a hard reset on my work/sleep schedule and bringing you this week’s issue a conspicuous number of hours early. Can I keep it up? Only time will tell! This Week in Videogame…

July 16th


Welcome back readers. No major updates around the site this week. Instead, let’s dive right in to this week’s picks. This Week in Videogame Blogging is a roundup highlighting the most important critical writing on games from the past seven days. Past,…

July 9th


Welcome back readers. Around the site, we’ve got a new Keywords for your listening pleasure. As a recap, Keywords in Play is running a mini-series over the next few issues highlighting Chinese-Australian collaborations in game studies scholarship. This issue’s guest is cultural…

July 2nd


Welcome back readers. In this week’s around-the-site news, Kris, Second Theytriarch of the Critical Distance Family, is retiring from official duties at the site. Kris has been a crucial mentor through my own time working for Critical Distance, helping me find solid…