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Tingting Liu | Keywords in Play, Episode 27

…are not really important or well-established discipline in China. It’s just an emerging area for us field researchers and I often find that it’s very hard to explain to people when I wrote a paper, I can explain to them when the paper is published, when it’s already out then I can say now you can see it’s a research instead of my personal interest in pastime activity.

Hugh: Ok, look we should probably wrap it up there but thank you so much for that, I really appreciate it.

Tingting: Thank you, Hugh, for having me!

Felania Liu | Keywords in Play, Episode 28

…make positive social impacts to the world.

The podcast series is part of Engaging Influencers initiative. This initiative is curated by the Australia Council for the Arts and funded by the National Foundation for Australia-China Relations

As a joint venture, “Keywords in Play” expands Critical Distance’s commitment to innovative writing and research about games while using a conversational style to bring new and diverse scholarship to a wider audience.

Our goal is to highlight the work of graduate students, early career researchers and scholars from under-represented groups, backgrounds and regions. The primary inspiration comes from sociologist and…

Stephanie Harkin | Keywords in Play, Episode 29

…that their grandmother has one and uses it to sew. The grandmother had found it at a garage sale and still uses it today. I’m like, that same machine was in a glass box in the history section of a games convention and your grandma is using it to do her sewing pattern.

Mahli-Ann: It’s amazing.

Stephanie: It’s so amazing, I love that story.

Mahli-Ann: It’s brilliant. So, I also wanted to discuss, but in your thesis, you do make a move from – I guess, girls studies to girlhood studies? And also, I guess, thinking…

Xavier Ho | Keywords in Play, Episode 30

…website, it’s the benefit of being a full-time academic, it’s your profile is public and so is your email. It’s, you can easily find me. I have a personal website with a portfolio, that’s and whenever people see it they’re like “Oh! You’re doing artwork and installations and you do what now? I thought you were just like a researcher or I thought you were just a designer”. I’m like, no, I also do art installations and stuff. So, the portfolio is quite interesting to look at and if people are interested in interactive media art like, I…

Brendan Keogh | Keywords in Play, Episode 31

…that I am interesting in exposing.

Mahli-Ann: Or that it doesn’t exist in the ways that we conceptualise it to be.

Brendan: Yeah, exactly. Yeah and the way we conceptualise it as, I guess, this exclusively commercial space of activity doesn’t exist, it can’t exist as just the way we often think about it. “We” being, I don’t know, “we” is kind of a straw man there. But I guess the way, I guess, popular discourses and policy and the industry itself frame it as existing obscures a whole lot of labour and identities and activities…