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December 17th

…2023 draws to a close, there’s really no way to dodge the assessment that no matter how good a year it’s been for games releases, it’s been a pretty terrible year for games labour, whether it’s game dev or games press. That’s been the undercurrent of much of the industry-focused writing we’ve seen over the year, and that trend continues here.

  • ¿Fue 2023 el PEOR año para los videojuegos? | GamerFocus Julián Ramírez digs into the hows and whys of what has made this year such a terrible one for the industry.
  • The Videogame Crash of 1983

This Year in Videogame Blogging: 2023

…be reductive. There were other manmade (discursive) horrors beyond our comprehension to talk about this year, like Unity almost destroying smaller game developers for a few extra bucks, and the strange notion that every dev studio should be like Larian Studios, makers of Baldur’s Gate 3. But beyond even all that, 2023 saw a large number of developers speaking candidly about their works in informative and thought-provoking ways.

  • The Cantonese language (or the lack of it) in games | Eurogamer Alan Wen traces the outlines of a langauge broadly absent from games localization.
  • Stagger and “Paradigm Shift”

Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

October 21st

…‘playing to win’ and ‘being playful’, what does the latter mean? Are those who play in alignment with the goals intended by developers playing any more ‘truly’ than others, or is their alignment of goals merely incidental?

Robert Yang finds the game’s tutorial lazy and disruptive. Meanwhile, Becky Chambers does a deep read on Dishonored‘s portrayal of women.


Apart from recent game releases, this week’s major discussion trends seemed to revolve around this article by non-gamer Lucy Kellaway, writing on her (rather critical) impressions as part of the GameCity prize judging panel.

January 8th

…important, but there’s more to the game’s design than that alone might suggest. As he says in a discussion of the game’s open world nature,

Why would the designers give us these options when all but one of them leads to disaster? Because if we make the decision, we own the consequences. When we talk about “open world” games, we think of words like “discovery” and “freedom,” and sometimes we conflate the terms: if we can discover the game on our own, then we must be free. But there’s no freedom in Dark Souls. The designers let us

October 27th

…Sex? That second one comes close, but manages not to fall into any pitfalls.


Those? Oh sorry. I haven’t gotten around to reshelving them yet. Sure you can have a look.

L. Rhodes at Polygon says sequels are sometimes good for gamers. He also wrote about how copyright law pertains to Super Mario Brothers and video games in general for Medium.

Jason Johnson wrote an interesting look inside the “failed” utopian New Games Movement.

And Mitch Dyer wrote on the all too depressing and all too real question of ‘how long can video games…

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This Year In Videogame Blogging: 2018

…to breathe naturally through their relationship.

  • In ‘God of War,’ Moms Come Last | Waypoint – Dia Lacina Coming back to that real ugliness, Dia Lacina highlights that in all the focus on Dad Games and the relationship between fathers and sons, stories of mothers and their children are given the short shrift, demonized by their presence or lionized due to their absence. In the end, mothers cannot remain.
  • Far Cry 5

    • Far Cry 5 Offers No Insight into Christian Fundamentalism | Paste – Holly Green Holly Green lived within the confines of American Christian…

    January 11th


    Paidia, a German academic e-journal in game studies, has released their latest issue as well, on the subject of gender and games. Two highlights for your consideration: Maike Groen tackles women and esports and Franziska Ascher takes on the fire-keepers of Dark Souls.

    Elsewhere, Denise Linke writes about disability, accessibility and custom controllers, Christof Zurschmitten shares ten thoughts (give or take) on Stephen ‘thecatamites’ Murphy’s 50 Short Games, and Agata Góralczyk talks about mental illness in games, and memories of her grandmother.

    Seen some good German (or French or Dutch) games writing lately? We are always…

    May 23rd

    …authors, each going long, situate their subjects in industry history, looking alternately at social play and violence in games.

    • The Ratings Game, Part 4: E3 and Beyond | The Digital Antiquarian Jimmy Maher looks into the history of studying (and litigating) violence in videogames, coming away at last with a conclusion that methodological problems continue to prevent a satisfying proof of causality between violent games and violent real-world actions.
    • 1990: LambdaMOO | 50 Years of Text Games Aaron A. Reed chronicles the transition from MUDs to MOOs, from dungeons to worlds, along with the sociological and ethical

    Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

    December 14th

    …makes Valiant Hearts not only a good game, but the only one worth using to help students understand the emotional, social, and cultural contexts of World War I.

    The State of Criticism and Curation

    This week also presents us with two opportunities to get a bit meta. Over at Game Informer, Matt Helgeson examines the rate of production of video game content, criticism, scholarship, etc against the loss of it due to poor archival and curatorial work in the field

    This week also brings us the playable criticism of systemic prejudice in Parable of the Polygons created…

    This Year in Videogame Blogging: 2021

    …into a radicalized faithful, all in perpetual pursuit of profit.

    While these communities have undoubtedly enhanced the monetary and entertainment value of various franchises, they have also sustained a disturbing new emotional climate that extends beyond fortifying the power and profitability of corporations. In conflating consumption with politics, the passion of fandom has been stoked into a reservoir of entitlement and, at its extremes, incipient violence.

    • Los policías en los videojuegos: héroes virtuales o villanos reales | Shock (Spanish language article) Julián Ramírez narrates the history of playable police in games, from Police Quest…