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Ten Years of Penny Arcade

…the dreaded dial-up, but the slur of ‘camping’ persisted well beyond its actual meaning. Before Warcraft III had even been out for a month online play already resembled “burly men raping you”. At first the comic only made a few stray gags about Everquest, but eventually World of Warcraft would change all that. There are over a dozen comics about that game, so I’ll just post this one about couples playing together to give the gist of their take on it.

Their lampooning of the console wars both back in the early days and this generation are all on…

June 6th

…and has a much bigger impact – than many developers would like to believe:

I can’t think of another game so destroyed by its dialogue as Splinter Cell: Conviction; not by bad lines alone (which are nothing novel in gaming) but by the way Ubisoft’s designers and programmers used them.

And finally, the Game Overthinker asks “Who’s your daddy, Mega Man?” which I’m sure we’ve all been thinking but never been game enough to ask.

Help us prevent link rot by alerting us to inactive links! This page was last updated on October 22, 2018.

August 15th

…Williams looks at ‘Brutalizing Children in Limbo’ and, um, stares longingly at Chun Li’s thighs.

Chun-Li’s sexuality becomes something more than an incidental quality to be admired merely because she inherently possesses an extraordinary physical trait. Chun-Li’s thighs might be eroticized, but they represent an earned physical extraordinariness.

Williams’ blogger-mate Nick Dinicola comes back with another piece on Limbo in ‘Dreaming in Limbo’.

Mark Cullinane at the No Added Sugar blog has a rather different reaction to Limbo, turning his attention to the critical response to the indie XBLA title and finds its reception unwarrantedly…

March 30th

…the German-language games discourse via our German correspondent, Joe Koeller.

First, on Superlevel, Nina Kiel talks nude patches and mods, and by contrast, the “general prudery” in which base games find themselves. [Content Warning: Some images are not safe for work.]

Lastly, on Kleiner Drei, Lucie Hoehler reviews Leigh Alexander’s Breathing Machine, about growing up around computers.

Last Call, Last Call

As always we deeply appreciate your submissions by email and Twitter mention, so please keep sending them in!

Some of the usual business: the Journal of Games Criticism is still in open submissions for…

This Year In Videogame Blogging: 2016

…game as a memorial for the developer’s son Joel Green and a personal exploration of their faith.

The Division

  • Guest Column: Turning in the Badge | Giant Bomb – Heather Alexandra Heather Alexandra sees the failure of The Division, partly as its failure to allow the player to express nuance in their heroism and the lacking of empathy required in said heroism.
  • The Perverse Ideology Of The Division | Kill Screen – Gareth Damian Martin I think the title encapsulates what this piece is about perfectly.

Homefront: The Revolution

  • Homefront: The…

April 3rd

always, if you like what we do here you can subscribe to our Patreon and send in recommendations for pieces to include. I’m so grateful for your support.


This week an archaeologist takes us all the way back to the beginning of human history, and games critics look at the early years of game design history and the golden age of conceptual art.

  • Let’s Play: Far Cry Primal Ep.1: An “Archaeological” Exploration (Video: auto-captions only) Philip Riris begins a series of Let’s Plays of Far Cry Primal in which he comments on the game’s portrayal

November 6th


Two of Waypoint‘s first features look at conditions in workplaces and in a prison, giving us a solid look at how games intersect with some of the fundamental institutions that underpin American society.

  • The Curious Appeal of Crunch – Waypoint The influence of personal investment and heroic narratives on labor conditions in gaming are laid bare, forcing readers to confront the uncomfortably fuzzy boundary between individual free will and social control.
  • Dragons in the Department of Corrections – Waypoint In a remarkable and rare feature, Elizabeth de Kleer interviews tabletop RPG players in prison, learning

July 16th

…this points to is a perspective from which to ask what else is happening in terms of videogame development that will always allude quantitive work. And not just ‘over there’ beyond ‘the videogame industry’. As Push Me Pull You shows, these actors and practices are intimately connected with what constitutes the contemporary, regional videogame industry in this real messy tangle.”


Looking at boundaries between the technical and the natural, these three pieces of writing suggest that we treat things that seem like mere technicalities as important parts of creative expression.

  • The Paratext of Video…

August 13th

…that they have already translated.

  • The Computer Games Journal – Special Issue on Accessibility in Gaming Call for Papers The Computer Games Journal is a Springer academic journal that is doing a special issue in early 2018. Guest Editor Micheal Heron is putting out the call for papers and announcing they are relaxing the scope of the journal to include accessibility in all games not just computer games.
  • July Roundup: Denouement The latest edition of Blogs of the Round Table has come out.
  • August-September 2017: Oceans And the launching of the topic for the next edition has…
  • April 29th

    …only slightly less brave to call them “linear.” Robert Venturi and Fredric Jameson didn’t have to wait for ludology to be invented so they could wrap their heads around the nonlinear spaces of Las Vegas and the Bonaventure Hotel, respectively. Similar observations could be made for sculpture or improvisational music. In these art forms the distinction between linear and nonlinear is just a nonsense. It does not even arise as a problem in the first place.

    Go read his whole argument and then tell me you don’t get a sense that Things Could Be Wholly Other about videogame…