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June 25th

…horror vertical slice to an examination of its themes of domestic violence and bodily autonomy.

  • The “Roll” of Life in ‘We Love Katamari Royal Roll + Royal Reverie’ | PopMatters Luis Aguasvivas thinks about where the sophomore Katamari installment fits in 2023, aesthetically anomolous for its time and at the mercy of a consolidating games press today.
  • The ‘JRPG’ label has always been othering | Polygon Kazuma Hashimoto examines the history of a fraught and contentious label, always mediated through its ups and downs by a narrow and fickle western lens.
  • “While the “Japanese” aesthetic…

    November 5th

    …the sole thing that could unmake an energy vampire. I do think, however, that being able to reconcile oneself with what made them one could ameliorate one’s circumstances considerably. Kain and Raziel taught me about boundaries and respecting one’s right to free will, while recognizing that championing free will alone does not make someone morally right in every instance it’s invoked.”

    Vampire Killers

    There’s still vampires aplenty in this next section, with two pieces on Redfall, but here we’re also moving into broader meditations on both game dev and games crit.

    • I Will Come Up…

    This Year in Videogame Blogging: 2023

    It probably doesn’t bear repeating that 2023 was a roller coaster of a year. The highs were very high, the lows were very low, and we spent a lot of time rapidly oscillating between the two points. Was 2023 the “best year” for videogames? Only if you look at the number of hot releases that came out this year. But as always, if you broaden the scope of your view, deeper, more complex narratives emerge. For instance, several certified bangers came out in 2023, but those tentpole releases were punctuated by mass layoffs across the industry, with the total

    January 14th

    …Wawzonek compares contemporary efforts to digitize art gallery experiences for an Instagram audience to the slower, more intentional CD-ROM-based efforts of the late 90s.

  • Classical Cats | CD-ROM Journal Misty De Méo checks out a purrfect CD-ROM art gallery from 1994.
  • Art in the Age of Digital Reproduction | Death is a Whale James Tregonning muses on the ways in which games have altered our wider relationship with and expreience of art.
  • “The Rain Room simulates the experience of a natural real-world event, sanding down the rough edges of reality to make a play-space for…

    Critical Distance Fansite Jam 2024

    …(tentatively), and will be followed by a showcase roundup collecting the submissions. Depending on the popularity of this jam it may take a bit of time to produce this roundup, and we may even have to split it into several instalments, but the end goal here is to showcase your work!

    Finally (I swear I’m almost done) a bit of advice:

    • Make the site about something you care about, and make your site yours. You do not have to be the foremost expert on your topic, but it should be something you want to write about…

    March 10th


    “If games can make us aware of systems and our actions within those systems and how we could better translate thoughts into actions, why do we still insist that games are just escapist entertainment? Yes, I know that they are capitalistic objects in most instances, and therefore subject to the BS of “too big to fail”. But at the level of consumers and players of this media, why are there still so many who refuse to see how games can influence you politically? Is it the seeming absurdity of realizing that games, as silly or irreverent…

    May 26th


    Critical Chaser

    You made it to this week’s checkpoint! Nice work. Take a load off with our closing picks.

    • The Lonely Skies | Into The Spine Monique Barrow muses on the inevitability of change in Tears of the Kingdom.
    • A taste of paradise | KRITIQAL Kat mixes it up in this tasting tour of Paradise Killer.

    “Places, tastes, sounds and feelings fuse together in a sensuous synesthesia – the magic of ancient gods at work. Listening to the soundtrack, I am transported instantly back to that glistening realm, and against…