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February 25th

“HaruToki isn’t just “not bad if you like otome”, it’s a good game. It’s a bold one too, committed to questioning features so deeply embedded in gaming they barely register in our consciousness—RPG battle systems, exactly who could be the target audience for a PlayStation game, what a hero can look and act like—and then twisting them into something new and wonderful. If you can read the text, it is absolutely worth playing. And if you can’t, it’s worth remembering as a game you should hope to play one day, or at least as one that hasn’t

March 24th

…thinks an Estus Flask tasted like. I don’t remember what his answer was (sorry), but I thought “apple juice” was pretty funny, and now I only refer to any FromSoft healing item as “a sippy of apple juice.” Except for Demon’s Souls, which is quite obviously a salad.”


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Critical Distance Fansite Jam Roundup: March 2024

…and share your thoughts!

Oh, and I’ll shake the can just once before I leave off: supporting us through our Patreon doesn’t just help us in our ongoing mission to compile noteworthy and interesting games writing from around the web; it also gives us the flexibility and resources to do silly things like this. Every little bit helps!

But enough talk: have at you!

Just Like You Remember

Let’s start with some games anchored firmly in the same era that the idea of the fansite evokes: the mid-to-late 90s.

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April 14th

Welcome back readers.

Per my lofty aspirations last week, I did technically manage to publish our Fansite Jam Roundup before the next TWIVGB–even if I had to fudge things a bit and put this issue out a day late. Oh, speaking of the jam roundup, you should check it out! I am enormously grateful to everyone who participated, and every submission we received is accounted for!

This Week in Videogame Blogging is a roundup highlighting the most important critical writing on games from the past seven days.

Industry Insights

This week we’re opening with a

May 12th

…self-determination, save scumming appears at odds with the game’s fractured protagonist and forking narratives. At least in relation to Disco Elysium, save scumming can also appear to be a somewhat redundant practice both because there are different, successful paths through the game’s many dialogue trees, and because consequently the game can only ever be played partially. Yet, by thinking about save scumming as a reading practice, it’s possible to identify a distinctive ethics within its motivations, orientations, and interpretive protocols. Always “good”? Almost definitely not. But save scumming is worthy of attention precisely because it raises questions about how we…

June 23rd

…Destiny 2: The Final Shape | No Escape Kaile Hultner celebrates Bungie closing out the current arc of Destiny on a high note (curator’s note: Kaile works for CD).

  • Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree DLC review | Eurogamer Alexis Ong has a (mostly) good time in an expansion that trusts the player a little less and hurts them a little more.
  • “I become fascinated with a lone helmet dangling off a stick beneath a waterfall as a bit of environmental storytelling, and I return repeatedly to the Cerulean Coast just because I think it’s pretty….