January 10th
byWelcome back, readers. I don’t have much to say here about the events in the US over the past week other than this: if you’re white and this feeling that your country is no longer safe or stable is new to you,…
Fun takes on many meanings in games, but here I’m using the tag for humorous articles.
Welcome back, readers. I don’t have much to say here about the events in the US over the past week other than this: if you’re white and this feeling that your country is no longer safe or stable is new to you,…
Welcome back, and welcome to a new year, readers. We missed you last week, but we’re making up for lost time with a double-sized issue for your reading pleasure. A couple things to begin. First, Black Lives don’t cease to Matter when…
Welcome back, readers. Last week I plugged this bundle of cyberpunk-themed games by queer and marginalized independant creators, as well as an upcoming analogue cyberpunk game jam for Asian creators. If you haven’t already checked them out, please do so! This week,…
Welcome back, readers. This week the thing I’m plugging before I get down to business is. . . this rad bundle of cyberpunk-themed games by independent creators! Get your punk on while supporting queer/marginalized creators! Oh, but that’s not all, dear reader….
Welcome back, readers. While I’ve got you here, I’ll encourage you again this week to follow Twitch streamer and content creator ZombaeKillz. Ko-fi here! Man, I don’t know if anyone else is just hitting a wall this week, but that’s where I’m…
Welcome back, readers. In lieu of my usual, broad reminders that systemic violence and injustice remain a stark reality for Black and Brown folks regardless of who the incoming and outgoing establishment politicans may be at any given point, this week I’m…
Welcome back readers. First, as usual, the most important stuff: Check out the ways in which you can support protests against anti-Black and Brown police violence in the US and abroad. Legal Fund for organizers fighting commercial exploitation of Haudenosaunee lands. Apologies…
Welcome back readers. First the most important stuff: Check out the ways in which you can support protests against anti-Black and Brown police violence in the US and abroad. Legal Fund for organizers fighting commercial exploitation of Haudenosaunee lands. Around the site…
Welcome back readers. Hey, cheers to you, really, for having the energy to click on our latest issue after the week it’s been. Hope you’ve had the chance to catch your breath after this extended (inter)national nightmare of the last four years….
Welcome back readers. Ok, so these links are reruns from last week, but the causes they relate to remain undiminished in their importance, and I understand and appreciate the danger of their being drowned out in, uh, next week’s impending news cycle….