Welcome back readers.

This week I’m keeping the sectioning more streamlined. As always, if you want to add to my reading list, or perhaps share some work you’re still putting together, Come hang out on our Discord!

This Week in Videogame Blogging is a roundup highlighting the most important critical writing on games from the past seven days.

New Experiences

This time around we’re starting off with writing in conversation with recent stuff. We’ve got some reviews, some impressions, some critical commentaries, some experiential pieces–a nice opening spread.

“With the new wave of dark cosy games like Grave Seasons and Wanderstop upon us, it seems there is an appetite for experiences that question the comfort that they provide. Memoirscape proves that an escape room can be queer not just in terms of subject matter, but through challenging players by creating a literal comfort zone that they need to break out of. It’s a cosy escape room that isn’t afraid to engage with the complexities of queerness and nostalgia, especially in terms of how we can idealise the past, both on a personal and wider level.”

New Angles

Our next section brings together pieces of writing on older games viewed from new perspectives, accounting for fluctations over time in genre and experience.

“The freedom in exposition created by the Scan Visor’s innovative design makes the Metroid Prime series feel uniquely natural and subtle in its delivery of information to the player. Rather than being forced to read an encyclopedia of Metroid lore, the player is instead willingly studying the world through Samus’ eyes.”

New Contexts

To conclude this issue, let’s widen the scope a little, looking at industry, impact, and games-adjacent topics.

“What does independent video game mean? I see in the meaning coarse bandages of failure and wounds. Mummification rituals on digital storefronts. All of the art left behind like so many ruins. Look upon my work and see something in yourself, quiet mausoleums appearing when we’ve just had enough.”


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Have you read, seen, heard or otherwise experienced something new that made you think about games differently? Send it in!