July 19th


Welcome back, readers. First things first: our usual starting point. The media coverage of protests against anti-Black police brutality in America and elsewhere is diminishing, but the fascist effort to thwart them is intensifying. Around the site, we’ve got two new things…

Resident Evil 2


This Critical Compilation of Capcom’s 1998 Resident Evil 2 and its 2019 remake comes to us via Emma Kostopolus. Emma is a Ph.D student of Rhetoric and Composition at the University of Kansas, where her work focuses on the intersections of rhetoric…



Critical Distance is proud to present the first in its 2020 series of Critical Compilations: Ice-Pick Lodge’s cult classic Pathologic and its sequel, Pathologic 2. This compilation is curated by Andrew Bailey, a Ph.D. candidate within the Art History and Visual Culture…

June 21st


Welcome back, readers. As a few writers I follow are noticing, it feels weird in some ways to be writing about (or, umm, writing about writing about) games in Twenty-Twenty-Current-Date. There’s lots of more important shit going on. Speaking of which, some…