November 3rd
byWelcome back, readers. I try not to take up too much space myself in these roundups from week-to-week but this week we’ve got to talk. You ever see those tweets about how 2019 feels like it’s been roughly a million years long?…
Welcome back, readers. I try not to take up too much space myself in these roundups from week-to-week but this week we’ve got to talk. You ever see those tweets about how 2019 feels like it’s been roughly a million years long?…
Welcome back, readers. There’s lots of interesting writing on games this week, particularly from non-gaming-focused outlets. There’s also, it seems, a whole lot of big-name titles with really interesting writing coming out right now. Disco Elysium and The Outer Worlds come immediately…
Welcome back, readers. As far as topical stuff goes, well, the Blizzard mess keeps trundling along, and I have no doubt that words on this matter will feature in future roundups. Not just yet though–the story still presents a moving target and…
Welcome back readers. If you’re even casually interested in reading a weekly collection of critical discourse on games, there’s a non-trivial chance that you’re also aware by now that Blizzard did something notable this week not in thinking of its bottom line…
Welcome back, readers. I can’t tell whether it’s more to do with the uptick in coverage on spooky games, the sudden drop in temperature in my area, or the flurry of seasonal Twitter handles in my timeline, but Fall feels like it’s…
Welcome back, readers. Hey! Just in case you missed it, a few days ago we published a killer Critical Compilation on Kentucky Route Zero by Nicholas O’Brien. Check it out! I’m now simultaneously exploring Koholint, Azeroth, and Erdrea. I’ve never stopped to…
Critical Distance is proud to present this Critical Compilation of Cardboard Computer’s Kentucky Route Zero, written by Nicholas O’Brien. Nicholas is an artist and researcher that makes video games, digital animations, and installations addressing civic history, urban infrastructure, and overlooked narratives of…
Welcome back, readers. Despite presently being shipwrecked on Koholint Island and simultaneously stranded in Azeroth I had the pleasure of reading a bunch of cool games crit this week. Also, apropros of absolutely nothing specific happening in games news this week, have…
Welcome back, readers. This week’s most prominent labour story in games (aside from what is starting to feel like quarterly announcements of bad news from GameStop) is the workplace culture inside indie publisher Nicalis. While most of the stories this year about…
Welcome back, readers. It’s a great week for critical games writing. Control seems to be the big game right now, and I swear I’ll play it as soon as I’m done with World of Warcraft Classic, which I’m playing for the first…