This Week in Videogame Blogging

May 15th


Welcome back readers. We’re running a shorter issue this week, so I’m switching up our usual format again to take a more leisurely stroll through this week’s selections. This Week in Videogame Blogging is a roundup highlighting the most important critical writing…

May 8th


Welcome back readers, and happy Mother’s Day. . . .Look, if we’re being honest it’s been a pretty fucked up week for a lot of moms, or really anybody who likes having human rights but isn’t a white moneyed republican. Kaile reblogged…

May 1st


Welcome back, readers, and happy International Workers’ Day as well. I have no major site updates this week, so I’ll keep the preamble short and hope you enjoy this week’s thirteen cool-and-interesting selections! This Week in Videogame Blogging is a roundup highlighting…

April 24th


Welcome back, readers. This week’s around-the-site announcement is that the new Keywords is live! This episode’s guests are Regina Seiwald and Ed Vollans, speaking on the topic of paratexts. This Week in Videogame Blogging is a roundup highlighting the most important critical…

April 17th


Welcome back, readers. First things first, thank you this week to everyone who circulated our Patreon Update or became a backer! We’ve seen a boost in support that has helped pull us out of immediate peril, and we’re incredibly grateful for that….

April 10th


Welcome back, readers. Let’s get right into it, shall we? We’ve read a bunch of cool stuff this week and I’m looking forward to sharing it! This Week in Videogame Blogging is a roundup highlighting the most important critical writing on games…

April 3rd


Welcome back, readers. It’s taken me until the wee hours of the morning local time to do so, but we’re here with the latest crit, and we’re calling it Sunday gods darn it! Around the site, Connor’s latest TMIVGV is live and…

March 28th


Welcome back, readers, and thanks for your patience as I took a little extra time to prepare this week’s issue. While I’ve got you, we just recently celebrated a book launch for Sickness, Systems, Solidarity, a free anthology bringing together 35 pieces…

March 20th


Welcome back, readers. There’s another large Ukraine charity bundle running since last we published, this time running through Humble Bundle. Check it out! This Week in Videogame Blogging is a roundup highlighting the most important critical writing on games from the past…

March 13th


Welcome back, readers. There a few things I’d like to give mention to this week before starting. First, I’d like to highlight two charity bundles on Itch right now. It’s likely you’ve already seen this one bringing together an enourmous number of…