This Week in Videogame Blogging

September 10th


A critical game, a video essay with limited narration, and in-depth interview pieces – this was a week of experimentation in games criticism, and this week’s roundup is all the richer for it. Burning We start with two pieces of criticism that…

Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

September 3rd


A guilty pleasure of mine is critical writing that takes things to that meta level. Critical writing about criticism. This week, writers came up with taxonomies, heuristics, and semiotic analyses. I’ve had the pleasure of reading many pieces that reveal something about…

August 27th


This week, we find ourselves peering backward in time, examining the world as it was, as it is again, and as we understand it now because of that we learned before. Part nostalgia, part history, but all This Week in Video Game…

August 20th


Drama! Intrigue! Chicanery! Lengthy internal monologues, heated Twitter feuds, and much more! No, it’s not a telenovela. It’s This Week In Videogame Blogging. What’s wrong with the industry? There were two pieces this week which articulated, albeit to different degrees and with…

August 13th


Follow me as we dive back into gaming’s history to learn something, stand alone against inner demons, and collectively stand together in self sacrifice. Welcome to another installment of This Week in Videogame Blogging! Hellblade Ninja Theory’s stealth release, Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice…

August 6th


This week’s games criticism takes us to world’s of economic disparity, both imagined and real, and introduces a slew of writing on Tacoma, Fullbright’s spiritual successor to Gone Home. Welcome to This Week in Videogame Blogging! Economics as usual How we experience games is…

Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

July 30th


Developers and critics alike have been discussing important games from the past this week, covering the gamut from Flash games to Far Cry 2. Meanwhile, newer cultural hits such as Dream Daddy and 17776 are having a big impact. Tend and befriend…

July 23rd


The notion of the “possibility space” is important for many of the pieces of writing featured this week: whether that’s the space for creation that’s opened up or shut down by state institutions, the space for imagination that is afforded by visual…

July 16th


From the question of what’s wrong with games criticism, to critical writing on games that ask what’s wrong with us, this week brings us a bumper crop of original, inventive work. It’s not easy to keep up with it all, but we…

July 9th


“Progress” has become a problematic idea of late: the notion that the passage of time will push society generally in the direction of civil rights has become a truism, but the idea has been brought into question ever more over the past…