This Week in Videogame Blogging

September 6th


What a week it has been. From Langdell to PAX and everything in between: it's time for This Week In Videogame Blogging. Early this week David Carlton posted some thoughts about a game that has largely passed the critical blogosphere by: Puzzle…

August 30th


I was away for the meaty-middle section of this week, travelling west to my paternal grandmother’s working farm. I had thought that being away for so long I was going to miss all the good posts for This Week In Videogame Blogging;…

August 23rd


Sunday is a day for reading, catching up on blogs, and going to Fairs to celebrate all things 1950s. That last one may just be me, however. So, hey, what's Matthew Wasteland been up to this week? I'm glad you asked because…

August 16th


This is week 33 out of a possible 52 for the year 2009. What's the significance of week 33? Nothing, except that it means it's time for a new This Week In Videogame Blogging. Eliot Fish at his new SMH blog uncovers…

August 9th


As if in punishment for last week’s trifling length of links, today’s This Week In Videogame Blogging is of a mammoth size. Let’s see if we can get through it all without being crushed by its staggering weight. As a small incentive,…

Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

August 2nd


A great way to start the week is to spend some of it looking back on the previous. Time then for This Week In Videogame Blogging. Tired of the run-of-the-mill, dry, videogame criticism? Does the idea of some subversive, satirical commentary on…

July 26th


Let’s play a game – it’s called ‘catch-up on the must read things I missed from last week’. First up, Simon Parkin talks about the Develop 2009 conference [editor note 2017: dead link], bringing this juicy bit of info back home to share…

July 19th


In the week to 19th July 2009 AD, what were the best pieces of videogames blogging that I stumbled across? That’s what we’re here to find out. Gregory Weir wrote this week about the aesthetic choices in working with pixel art and…

July 12th


First up for This Week In Videogame Blogging, ask yourself whether a fully destructible city whose every door leads to a fully furnished room sounds exciting. Create Digital Motion does a bit of a look-see at some up and coming games tech…

Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

July 5th


As if to make up for the slightly lighter post last week, the videogame blogosphere seems to have redoubled its efforts and produced an absolute ton of great reads This Week in Videogame Blogging. The first thing I spotted was David Wildgoose’s…