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April 3rd

always, if you like what we do here you can subscribe to our Patreon and send in recommendations for pieces to include. I’m so grateful for your support.


This week an archaeologist takes us all the way back to the beginning of human history, and games critics look at the early years of game design history and the golden age of conceptual art.

  • Let’s Play: Far Cry Primal Ep.1: An “Archaeological” Exploration (Video: auto-captions only) Philip Riris begins a series of Let’s Plays of Far Cry Primal in which he comments on the game’s portrayal

November 6th

…a timely look back at a Famicom game representing the American political system.

“Even when surprises present themselves, like current events changing public opinion or political factions calling you and promising to donate to your campaign if you support their cause, they never threaten to disrupt the system, as it’s built to accommodate them. All in all, you get the feeling that whatever thoughts the developers may have for this specific campaign […] they believe the larger system works […]”

Mafia III

Much of the critical writing with a historical bent this week has

July 16th

…this points to is a perspective from which to ask what else is happening in terms of videogame development that will always allude quantitive work. And not just ‘over there’ beyond ‘the videogame industry’. As Push Me Pull You shows, these actors and practices are intimately connected with what constitutes the contemporary, regional videogame industry in this real messy tangle.”


Looking at boundaries between the technical and the natural, these three pieces of writing suggest that we treat things that seem like mere technicalities as important parts of creative expression.

  • The Paratext of Video…

August 13th

…that they have already translated.

  • The Computer Games Journal – Special Issue on Accessibility in Gaming Call for Papers The Computer Games Journal is a Springer academic journal that is doing a special issue in early 2018. Guest Editor Micheal Heron is putting out the call for papers and announcing they are relaxing the scope of the journal to include accessibility in all games not just computer games.
  • July Roundup: Denouement The latest edition of Blogs of the Round Table has come out.
  • August-September 2017: Oceans And the launching of the topic for the next edition has…
  • Kotaku UK archive

    …the dark seas

  • Swearing at the screen: a brief history of rudeness in text adventures
  • Remembering Forgotten Forest, gaming’s first true horror franchise
  • Nigh unplayable: a brief history of unwieldy controls
  • It’s alive: how the last decade of horror cinema is influencing indie games now
  • All articles from the”in depth”tag 2014-2018

    Enormous thanks to Sarah Cole (@iRNY on Twitter) for retrieving this list (sorry for the dodgy abbreviated titles). Sarah also sent us a local download of all articles included under this tag, which we are now working out how to make available.

    February 20th

    …game’s challenges – but only once they’ve earned it. as in all consensual masochism, though, there is the everpresent issue of trust.

    M. Suliman newly of the blog Mending the Wall, formerly of Bergsonian Critique, wrote this week about ‘The Two Voices of Isaac Clarke’ [mirror]:

    when Visceral Games decided to give the mechanical engineer Isaac Clarke a voice in Dead Space 2, who has remained practically mute in the original Dead Space, they also had to give him a new personality to go along with it. Because, as it turns out, it is inevitably difficult…

    September 22nd

    …upon a novel idea: how about actually asking military servicewomen what they think of depictions of servicewomen in games?

    Maybe It’s A Generational Thing

    Damn kids on lawns, etc. On her professional blog, Hamlet on the Holodeck‘s Janet Murray shares her DiGRA 2013 keynote slides on the state of game studies.

    Elsewhere, responses keep trickling in to Eric Zimmerman’s Manifesto for a Ludic Century. Zimmerman has collated many of the responses himself, and attempts to lend a little stronger context to it. Meanwhile, over on Kill Screen, Abe Stein takes issue with Zimmerman’s manifesto as attending largely…

    October 27th

    …Sex? That second one comes close, but manages not to fall into any pitfalls.


    Those? Oh sorry. I haven’t gotten around to reshelving them yet. Sure you can have a look.

    L. Rhodes at Polygon says sequels are sometimes good for gamers. He also wrote about how copyright law pertains to Super Mario Brothers and video games in general for Medium.

    Jason Johnson wrote an interesting look inside the “failed” utopian New Games Movement.

    And Mitch Dyer wrote on the all too depressing and all too real question of ‘how long can video games…

    This Year In Videogame Blogging: 2013

    Here we are at the end of 2013, on the cusp of a new year, we at Critical Distance look back at all of the great criticism of the year. We trudged through the 1265 links we featured in the 2013 entries of TWIVGB and then checked the additional 50 recommendations you, the readers, submitted for consideration. From all of that we did our best to whittle a curatorial list of the most memorable, most important and most representative critical pieces of year. Critical Distance is proud to present the 2013 edition of This Year in Video Game Blogging.

    01: Subjectivity

    …well be undercut entirely if subjectivity reigned but much like the academics that scoff at experiential examination, consumers seem to lack empathy for positions other than their own. Hell, I struggle with it. This larger lack of empathy is difficult to even contemplate because it runs counter to the skills that games teach us. All engagement with a text requires some empathy regardless of the medium and while I’m not much for extolling the “Power of Video Games™”, the degree to which they demand players to actively identify with digital actors via projection should, in theory, engender amazing amounts of…