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February 7th

…Oral History

  • Gamasutra – Considering Street Fighter II’s legacy on its 25th anniversary
  • Psychology

    In The New Inquiry, Alfie Brown discusses the position of mobile games in relation to labour, arguing that rather than being counterproductive uses of workers’ time, they are designed to maximise compliance. Over on Medium, Alex Fleetwood discusses the difficulty parents have deciding how much digital distraction their children should be allowed, and offers his mixed digital-physical project Fantastic Beasts as an alternative for parents who feel alienated by screen-based play.

    • Seconds of Pleasure
    • What parents need to know…

    April 17th

    …between frustration and boredom.

    • Flow – Minicrit | YouTube (video: captions are auto-generated) Heather Alexandra delves into the zen-like state of game engagement
    • Adventures of Lolo | Something in the Direction of Exhibition Vincent K. addresses flow in this review of a vintage game
    • Design and the Broken Game | First Person Scholar Matthew Schwager complicates the notion of flow by analysing a game that seems to not fit its bipolar system.

    “Csikszentmihalyi’s “flow” is often conceptualized as opposite ends of a spectrum; they are non-overlapping experiences due to the inverse relationship of

    May 22nd

    …A piece of mine was published in a magazine about cities and culture this week. I’m very proud of it and I hope that you consider taking a look, even though it wouldn’t be right for me to include it in the roundup proper.

  • We’ve launched a Kickstarter | The Arcade Review Zolani Stewart has launched a fundraiser for a final edition of the Arcade Review, in glorious print format.
  • Critical Distance is community-supported. We run on your donations and respond to your recommendations. Thanks to all of you who contribute — this couldn’t happen without you!

    June 12th

    …characters can allow writing to complicate tropes rather than simply avoiding them.

    “In her essay “The Uses of Anger”, Audre Lorde describes anger a “a source of empowerment we must not fear to tap for energy rather than guilt.” Rage is a means of survival, and should be as acceptable an emotion joy or fear. These three women all use their rage as both survival and grief. Because of niggling ideas that Latinas and Black women are always angry, always strong and emotionally bulletproof, our anger is diminished and dismissed. But the truth is that our anger…

    August 7th

    …about art, commerce, and cultural production.

  • Reverie and The Poetry of Process — Deorbital (Spoilers for Reverie) Aleks Samoylov has written up an in-depth examination of the relationships between labor and surrealism that are evoked by this “dream job simulator”.
  • “Reverie is, in a sense, a multifaceted exploration of the conflict between expectations and reality, the tension between what a “dream” (in the broadest sense of the word) should be and what it actually is.”

    Thanks so much for being a reader of Critical Distance. We are a community-supported organisation, and we are always

    November 20th

    …capricious audience, could almost be excused for repairing to fantasy worlds. […] One worries that game-makers have gotten so used to focusing on superheroes instead of heroes, imagination instead of fact, that it has destroyed their ability to work with even the most readily printable material.

    Models of the world

    In the quote above, Ed Smith leans heavily on an interest in history as matters of fact, but often we’re still concerned with how history is portrayed even if it’s in a fictional context. There is some material in the pieces below for significantly rethinking how games…

    July 9th

    …to an overreliance on literalism.

    “[…] these aren’t really stories about people with psychoses. In these games, psychosis is a vehicle to turn trauma into melodrama, and to imprint all these wounds onto a literal physical landscape. There are parts of the emotional tenor of save the animals that feel honest, but the frame is all wrong. The game of mapping individual mental phenomenon to lived events, 1:1, is doomed.”


    Waypoint brings us some writing on game narrative placed into inventive new contexts.

    • Narrative Speedruns Are Just More Fun – Waypoint…
    Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

    July 30th

    …Look at the Eichenwalde Map in Overwatch Heather Alexandra examines a controversial map with a reputation for being unfair, closely reading its spaces with reference to developer commentary.

    “Befitting the mood of a final frantic push towards victory, the last segment of map takes place within the dark confines of Eichenwalde Castle. It tosses the battle into an extended sequence of close quarters combat in a dark, gloomy space. Ceilings are lower, side paths more winding, and the defending team’s spawn point deposits them almost directly onto the final capture point. Eichenwalde becomes more hostile in visual

    September 17th

    …it remixes these elements to the point of emptiness, where all we’re left with is the fact of remixing. It’s a performance of tropes divorced of any context and undertaken for its own sake.”

    Inconsistent information

    In discourse about discourse this week, Kotaku published two pieces on historical shifts in how factual information on games is collated and managed.

    • The Story Behind The Home Of Forgotten Video Games | Kotaku Alex Walker interviews Sarinee Achavanuntakul who in 1998 founded Home of the Underdogs, a site that made old games no longer stocked by publishers accessible…

    November 5th

    …with wider structural oppression, three pieces highlight games that portray – critically or not – individual responses to large-scale harm.

    • Owning Our Resistances With Thunderbird Strike – Dia Lacina – Medium Dia Lacina contextualises the controversy surrounding Elizabeth LaPensee’s game about resisting environmental destruction and the oppression of indigenous peoples.
    • The Orcs of ‘Shadow of War’ Face a Fate Worse Than Death – Waypoint Cameron Kunzelman and Austin Walker share notes on the slavery allegories that appear to be present, but uncommented upon, in the latest Middle Earth game.
    • How I Survived a Zombie Apocalypse Only