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Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

September 20th

…ostensibly gay character in Phoenix Wright. As one commenter on the article points out, a fair amount of this, I’d hazard a guess, boils down to cultural differences between east and west and perhaps unfamiliarity with non-stereotypical representations of gay characters in Eastern media. As Denis says,

…this is what I would expect of a gay representation from film and television in the 80s. Even though almost all bit players in the series are couched in foibles and comedy, I found myself extremely uncomfortable when the game wanted me to laugh at Jean

In ‘Unexpectedly Serious…

November 15th

…have been awesome if…”, which is a sure sign that he’s on to something. The tagline for the first post in his series is “In a world of bad design choices and poor execution, there was one game that ruled them all…” It’s quite telling. It’s also my pick for must read of the week, and you can start at the beginning of the trilogy here.

A reminder that for all TWIVGB posts on Critical Distance comments are turned off by default to encourage discussion on the original entries, and we can always be reached via the contact page.

November 29th

What with new games to play, steam sales to snap up bargains from, and the never-ending deluge of solid games criticism it’s been a tough week to stay on top of it all. As always, please consider sending links to the Critical Distance twitter account.

Quintin Smith is a games journalist type, and here’s part 2 and part 3 of his advice to future games journalist types, “What not to say”.

Paul Bauman writing on his destructoid blog says that “gaming…appears to be entering the awkward, slowly evolutionary, “teenage” phase of its development“. It’s an interesting point

Ten Years of Penny Arcade

…the dreaded dial-up, but the slur of ‘camping’ persisted well beyond its actual meaning. Before Warcraft III had even been out for a month online play already resembled “burly men raping you”. At first the comic only made a few stray gags about Everquest, but eventually World of Warcraft would change all that. There are over a dozen comics about that game, so I’ll just post this one about couples playing together to give the gist of their take on it.

Their lampooning of the console wars both back in the early days and this generation are all on…

99 Free Games from 2009

…a smart puzzler in which you seek enlightenment by rotating a Rubik’s cube-esque platform around to avoid obstacles and seek an exit.

99. The Black Forest

Pixelated’s December 2009 experimental episodic game is an attempt to put together 4 weeks of games with differing mechanics to—in the developer’s words—“create emotional experiences that are more personal and different from the ones traditional game design has to offer”. It’s happily tutorial-less, and though as I write this only the first two exploratory worlds have been released there’s enough even there to allow for inclusion on this list.

If you…

June 6th

…and has a much bigger impact – than many developers would like to believe:

I can’t think of another game so destroyed by its dialogue as Splinter Cell: Conviction; not by bad lines alone (which are nothing novel in gaming) but by the way Ubisoft’s designers and programmers used them.

And finally, the Game Overthinker asks “Who’s your daddy, Mega Man?” which I’m sure we’ve all been thinking but never been game enough to ask.

Help us prevent link rot by alerting us to inactive links! This page was last updated on October 22, 2018.

August 8th

…at Activision which, citing a number of sources, alleges pressure is often put on developers to conform to focus testing, and in particular to conform to profitable sterotypes. The result, as investigated by Alexander, is often to the detriment of the representation of female protagonists, and the practice is so much in evidence apparently that there are “No Female Heroes At Activision”. Top shelf journalism, the likes of which is all too rarely seen in the enthusiast press.

Daniel Primed at his personal blog attempts to ‘deconstruct the Mario franchise on the Game Boy’.

At Bitmob Omar Yusuf…

March 27th

…had at GDC, itself masquerading as a review of the full-body-action game Ninja. Even the piece is in a Ninja disguise!

Another duo this week, but from the PopMatters Moving Pixels blog. Scott Juster grasps at the meaning behind Jason Rohrer’s Inside a Star Filled Sky, and Kris Ligman regales us with tales of ‘The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pantsless Rogue: ‘Dragon Age II”s Isabela’.

At GayGamer, Denis Farr gets in touch with Irrational’s Ken Levine to talk to him about the flamboyant character of Sander Cohen in Bioshock:

…as Levine confided, “If you asked Sander

June 26th

…personal. It’s too casual. Too many writers inserting too much of themselves in ways that nobody in their right minds cares about. Too many armchair journalists speaking as though their word is gospel. Really, think about that. Armchair journalism has become the standard. Kids on forums actually now truly believe that their opinions are hyper-relevant, because after all, they can write just as convincingly as your average blogger. They’re not really wrong!

Although I confess to skimming parts of the lengthy manifesto, enduring TWIVGB favourite Leigh Alexander’s contribution (Chapter 7) is also well worth a read.


September 18th

…understand the logic behind all of these decisions, but I’ve always been confused about why I wasn’t allowed to play The Sims.

And similarly, blog-mate Laura Michet looks at Portal 2 and ‘The Power of Pettiness’, drawing parallels between the two entries in that series and the first two Alien films:

To me, Portal 1 was very much like these films. Two female characters dueling to the deadly death on terms unlimited by the fact that they are ladyfolk? The antagonist is an inhuman freak? The protagonist strengthened by her humanity (in this case, by the…