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Rob Gallagher | Keywords in Play, Episode 4

…internet about you that you don’t even know about for advertising and algorithmic curation and all of those sorts of things. But something I found really interesting is that in your research you also connect these games like Christine Love’s ‘Don’t Take it Personal Babe’, which was the first one that you mentioned but also her later stuff like ‘Analogue’ and the ‘Hate Plus’ series, which also kind of involve snooping around in a database of things that you’ve come across and also Fullbright’s ‘Tacoma’, which has a similar concept. These are all games where the player explores a database

Book Launch: Pandemics & Games Essay Jam (Online)

…the pandemic has catalyzed changes in the games industry, and how the trauma of COVID-19 has prompted us to revisit and reinterpret older games. The essays touch on games ranging from Silent Hill 4 and the Yakuza series to Hades and Hollow Knight, Rocket League and Dark Souls II, as well as jigsaw puzzles and card games…and of course, Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

The book launch will start with a conversation with Yussef Cole, a games critic, animator, and video artist, and the book’s coeditors, Zoyander Street and Joey Eschrich. Most of the time will be dedicated to an…

December 18th

…Raymond gets accused of being a sex-token for standing in front of her team and smiling, these are sensible precautions to take.

With these two links we form a chain, the next link in which is Alex Wiltshire’s more problematic opinion article which subsequently showed up on Edge: “Many male gamers act like animals online, but should women also change their attitudes?

It fell to another Alex, of the Raymond variety, to rebut Wiltshire’s points on The Border House:

No one can deny that women speaking out inspires others to do so as well. It’s…

September 25th

…Critical Sphere

Looking a little closer at the cultural and material consequences of hype, two pieces on games designed to attract attention for their themes examine how games culture is created through moments of conflict.

  • Defective Products: Postal, Hatred, and For-Profit Controversy :: Games :: Features :: Paste Harry Brewis writes about the design and reception of games that exist primarily to be newsworthy.
  • Why is everybody criticizing BioShock Infinite these days? | ZAM – The Largest Collection of Online Gaming Information Cameron Kunzelman gives people a fantastic introduction to the social economy of games criticism

Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

November 26th

…narrative and goals and a logic that will hold the player’s world together.”


Three pieces examine the narrative styles of games, particularly looking at the question of whether a game seems to be aware of its own context.

  • ‘How Dark Souls II’ Revels in the Horror of Repetition – Waypoint Cameron Kunzelman suggests that if this often-dismissed sequel sometimes seems tired and empty, it might be one of its strengths as a self-aware work of commercial art.
  • Sonic, the Most Sincere Hedgehog in the World – amr al-aaser – Medium Amr Al-Aaser makes

June 2nd

…themselves in the role of innovators, venturing out into the seemingly uncharted world of folk games and appropriating gameplay principles: A world where no-one owns mechanics and they can be sold as innovation.”

Placing Spaces

Any quality discussion of space–virtual or otherwise–will encompass the function(s) of those spaces as well as the form. In the specific context of games, that discussion may encompass critical contexts that may not immediately relate to the mechanical or narrative design of a space. Two authors this week offer deeper dives on particular spaces in games.

  • The Pokémon Center as

This Year in Videogame Blogging: 2019

…are a frequent consequence of traumatic experiences, and in particular, many popular anti-war narratives, like Catch-22 and Jacob’s Ladder, show memory issues as a symptom of PTSD.

Metal Gear

It’s always Metal Gear O’Clock on the internet, but especially in light of Death Stranding‘s release, 2019 was a banner year for all things Snake. Heather Alexandra’s series of retrospectives is, of course, essential. At Fanbyte, Moira Hicks made the case that Metal Gear is a magical realist series.


At Deorbital, Ty Gale took a look at beloved indie Bastion and the “power fantasy” of…

September 13th

…between increasingly pronounced individualistic social values and increasingly asocial online gaming experiences, and looks to how games might better equip themselves to socially enrichen all players in the future.

“When people have been isolated in their homes and needed it most, how ‘social’ is online multiplayer really? Has there been a generational shift in how social games are engaged with or how they’re designed as a result of this global trend towards individualistic values? If there has, then does online gaming reflect or even contribute to the sociological and ideological rise of individualism globally or even a…

Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

September 13th

…love for my fellow link-round-up-fiend, Erik Hanson before now, but I’ve been a bit remiss. Hanson writes a weekly summary for the Videogames and Human Values Initiative and remains A Kindred Spirit of TWIVGB; his offering remains far and away more comprehensive.

LB Jeffries takes a look at some studies of female avatars and how desirable they are to play, by both men and women: with some startling conclusions.

The issue of objectified and hypersexualized women in video games is often glibly dismissed because the target demographic for games is still 18 to 35 year old heterosexual

October 18th & 25th

…blog is done, you can download that character of Alice and continue it on for yourself. A fitting way to end and one that embraces the potential multiplicity of stories in videogames.

The Experience point’s blog posted a sequel to an earlier post about game endings with ‘Dead Ends Part 2′.

Chris Dahlen’s Edge Column turned to the topic of Modern Warfare 2’s Capital Wasteland-esque setting as revealed in one of the more recent videos of the game. Quoth Dahlen; “this summer, small clutches of angry Americans fantasized about shooting up the city for real” and they should…