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January 17th

…some controversy over the previous game in the series, Kane and Lynch 2: Dog Days did not receive much critical examination, and Miguel Penabella at Thumbsticks wants to remedy that, featuring the game’s usage of ludonarrative dissonance to prove a point.

On Gamasutra’s Expert Blogs, E. McNeill ties history and videogames together, arguing that a contradiction in veracity cheapens the experience for both.

(Critical Distance alumna Lana Polansky already came up with a much better term and approach for all this, by the way. -ed)

For All Your Representation Needs

Another cluster of games writing aims…

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April Roundup: The Long Journey

The month has passed, and even if we haven’t yet climbed the mountain, cast the ring into the fires, or defeated the evil wizard, we’re spent some time dwelling on the process and the scope of this adventure we’re on. So, without dwelling too long in this leg of our trials, let’s buckle down to discuss the whole nine yards of the long journey in Blogs of the Round Table.

Graham Markusson

A 260 Hour Trial: La-Mulana, No Guides

Graham Markusson kicks us off this month by reflecting on his 262 hour journey through Lu-Mulana, an…

Ten Years of Penny Arcade

…of characters trying to realistically engage with these game’s scenarios. The long elevator trips in Mass Effect are questioned while the NPC’s offering you DLC-only quests in Dragon Age bring out the hilarity of someone trying to stay in-character in a video game. Even the reality of being a henchmen in a game like Ninja Gaiden or two colossi from Shadow of the Colossus chatting about their glowing weak points flesh out these perspectives. The joke being, if we’re all losing ourselves in these simulations, how much of this are we just blindly accepting? My personal favorite is still their…

June 6th

…of tension or consistency:

Eventually, the sound sample of Barry’s cries for help stops playing, but there’s no reason for Alan to stop looking for ammo before going upstairs. Barry’s not going anywhere. These are the value systems video games are still working with. Even the “serious” ones.

Continuing with the subject of collectibles, Daniel Bullard-Bates had this to say: “Soldiers collect dog tags, sure. But seriously, no one collects identical coffee thermoses or identical flags or identical anything.” His piece, ‘Collect Everything’, is a list of what a good system of in-game collectibles should do.

August 15th

…– I never got around to playing GTAIV so this one’s all Greek to me.

Linda Holmes at NPR debunks some of the myths surrounding the market for the Scott Pilgrim film. It’s interesting in that it exposes the pervasive level of game-awareness that exists outside the stereotypical ‘gamer’ culture.

Gus Mastrapa looks at how “Game Designers Can Be Cursed By Their Successes” [mirror] for the Joystick Division blog. Mastrapa says,

Somehow the Scorsese principal doesn’t quite translate over to games. In games, it seems that you’re almost forever indebted to your first hit. Only multi-hit

August 26th

…international law with the same flippancy that you might jaywalk or loiter. Flash to E3 and watch as Sam Fisher rips information out of people before slamming his blade into their necks. Go back to Modern Warfare 2 and listen as the general tells you that “You will lose a bit of yourself, but you will save countless lives.” What we’re talking about here is brutality in the name of the nebulous demigod of democracy, beset by evilness all over the world. We’re inundated constantly with the message that anti-terrorism is fought by terrorism and torture.

Elsewhere, Michael…

October 14th

…Studies journal, Carly A. Kocurek takes us on a look back at 1976’s Death Race, “the United States’ first video gaming moral panic.” In doing so, she asks a pretty pointed question: why do some kinds of violence get a stamp of approval in our consumable media, and not others?

Speaking of the provocative, Danielle Riendeau sat down with artist-activist-provocateur-professional-troll Johannes Grenzfurthner (whom I also had the pleasure of shaking hands with at IndieCade– and playing Massively Multiplayer Thumb War with) regarding 2012’s Arse Elektronika, “the world’s first sex-positive, sex-focused gaming conference.”

But if you’re saying to yourself,…

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October 21st

…‘playing to win’ and ‘being playful’, what does the latter mean? Are those who play in alignment with the goals intended by developers playing any more ‘truly’ than others, or is their alignment of goals merely incidental?

Robert Yang finds the game’s tutorial lazy and disruptive. Meanwhile, Becky Chambers does a deep read on Dishonored‘s portrayal of women.


Apart from recent game releases, this week’s major discussion trends seemed to revolve around this article by non-gamer Lucy Kellaway, writing on her (rather critical) impressions as part of the GameCity prize judging panel.

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July 14th

…introduced her young son to Left 4 Dead 2, and muses on the tough balancing act between engaging one’s children with games and avoiding desensitization.

On Burning North, George “Dramatic Reading” Kokoris argues compellingly that we shouldn’t write off technical advancements when it comes to communicating emotion through games — but the polycount matters far less than evocative animation.


On The New Statesman, Cara Ellison dismisses all this so-called sexism masculists are crying about in games.

On Nightmare Mode, Alex Law draws up a valuable primer on the male gaze as it applies to games,…

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December 22nd

…spaces that cannot exist, not as an expression of the possibilities of video game space when unshackled by the constraints of the real world, but as an outright rejection of the common standard of video game spaces.

New Voices, New Faces

Confused about what this hubhub about ‘diversity lounges’ is all about? Gamasutra editor-at-large Leigh Alexander puts it all into context and speaks with diversity advocates for their thoughts on the initiative.

You may have also heard, recently, that a white supremacist group in all seriousness adopted imagery from BioShock Infinite (without Irrational or 2K’s involvement)…