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March 15th

…this in turn has prompted critical responses discussing the original game’s storytelling and characters, as well as what is at stake in any act of adaptation. A pair of authors this week seize upon some of these questions below.

  • The Last of Us Doesn’t Need a TV Series Adaptation | DualShockers Cameron Hawkins makes that case that even if its reputation for groundbreaking digital storytelling is overblown, The Last of Us gains nothing through live action adaptation.
  • Ellie’s Story Offers Crucial Queer Representation, But The Last of Us TV Series Should Focus on Bill – Gayming Magazine

April 19th

…critical breakdowns of how games of all sizes are put together, what those design properties afford, and what can cause them to break.

  • Gamasutra: Winifred Phillips’s Blog – Video Game Music Composer: The Interactive Music of SPYDER Winifred Philips begins a series detailing the technical musical composition process for a new game on Apple Arcade.
  • The Second Hand – Moments To Midnight | RE:BIND Emily Rose evaluates the power of microindies and game jam projects to pick a precious few evocative moments and absolutely run with them.
  • Telescopic to microscopic: shifting a cyberpunk perspective from the

Kentucky Route Zero

…interweaving histories and emotions into spaces also reflects the game’s indebtedness to mid-century stagecraft, such as Jo Mielziner’s 1949 production of Death of a Salesman. Mielziner designed a skeletal framework that sequestered spaces […] allegorizing the emotional and historical entrapment of protagonist Willy Loman as he suffers the burden of personal failure. The concrete and brick Bureau of Reclaimed Spaces [in KRZ] soars toward the stalactite-studded ceiling of the cathedral that encloses it, similarly coalescing the interior and exterior world. But while Death of a Salesman’s production focuses on individual economic entrapment, Kentucky Route Zero’s spatial ambiguity suggests how economic…

Sonic the Hedgehog

…and a foodie. This continued love for Sonic comes in different ways, fan art/fictions, fan games, and ironic memes. As William Moo writes at SyFy about “Sanic”: “Sonic has always been made a punching bag for his looks. Sanic is, in fact, perfect proof of the twisted love and appreciation many have for the character.”

And then, on a much more genuine side, many Sonic fans just find themselves relating to Sonic‘s values themselves. Sonic has been designed around acceptance and friendship that endures through hardships and mistakes. Jose Cardoso writes at Paste Games:

Friendship is seen

June 2021

…in her own journey of self-discovery. (Autocaptions)

  • Queer Fantasy | Finding Your True Self in Cyberspace – Transparency (49:57)

    Transparency think about how MMORPG spaces, mechanics, and communities (such as those of Final Fantasy XIV) can allow players to explore personal questions of gender and sexuality. (Manual captions)

  • Colonial Reckonings

    These next few videos are about games engaging with, critiquing, and sometimes enacting narratives of invasion and colonialism.

    • Umurangi Generation, Colonialism, UAPs, UFOs and Alien Invasion Stories – Super Bunnyhop (22:54)

      George Weidman takes Umurangi Generation’s representation of colonial apocalypse as a

    August 9th

    …unforgettable adventure – Kimimi The Game-Eating She-Monster Kimimi unpacks the grim (lol) fairytale structure of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles.

  • Final Fantasy’s Meta-Narrative Proves Video Games’ Short Memory | Into The Spine Grace pushes against the immersion-as-technological-progress conceit in games PR cycles with a study of what the original Final Fantasy accomplishes with strict hardware limitations and an awareness of the porous boundary between players and game worlds.
  • “Though video game marketing often wants us to lose ourselves in an immersive world, games are at their best when they draw attention to their artifice and thereby our…

    Alenda Y. Chang | Keywords in Play, Episode 13 Download “Keywords in Play” is an interview series about game research supported by Critical Distance and the Digital Games Research Association. This episode we speak with Alenda Y. Chang about games, ecology, literature, and environmental relations. Alenda is an Associate Professor in Film and Media Studies at UC Santa Barbara. With a multidisciplinary background in biology, literature, and film, she specializes in merging ecocritical theory with the analysis of contemporary media. Her writing has been featured in Ant Spider Bee, Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment, Qui Parle, the Journal of Gaming & Virtual Worlds, and Ecozon@, and her…

    September 20th

    …Ong with a double feature!) this week explore games and play as the connective thread that binds different communities of all shapes and sizes together, both on-and-offline.

    • Even When Games Finally Go Offline, We’ll Always Have Their Soundtracks | Paste Dia Lacina reflects on Glitch and the media artifacts, community stories, and memories it left behind.
    • I Pretended to Pretend to Be a Star Trek Character Online | Fanbyte Alexis Ong has penned a piece I’m not gonna try to summarize, but which I am gonna encourage you to read.
    • How the ’90s family computer shaped

    October 11th

    …women. And contrary to popular belief, they aren’t just vehicles for women to live out fantasies of being swept off their feet by a rakish pirate captain (although there’s no shame in that). Many stories feature female protagonists finding self-worth, respect, and power. I hesitate to call Choices a game that espouses feminist ideals, exactly, by virtue of starring women, but when there are hundreds of games specifically made with men in mind, a game that unashamedly panders to women and some non-binary people is a rarity.”

    Play, Personally

    Four intimately powerful and powerfully intimate pieces about…

    Malath Abbas | Keywords in Play, Episode 7 Download “Keywords in Play” is an interview series about game research supported by Critical Distance and the Digital Games Research Association.

    This episode we speak with Mal Abbas, an independent game designer, artist and producer working on experimental and meaningful games. Malath established Scotland’s first game collective and co-working space Biome Collective, a diverse, inclusive melting pot of technology, art and culture for people who want to create, collaborate and explore games, digital art and technology.

    Work includes Killbox, an online game and interactive installation that critically explores the nature of drone warfare, its complexities and consequences,