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Final Fantasy VII

…objected to the game’s infamous Cloud’s infamous cross-dressing escapades in Wall Market. Among them is Grace Benfell, who writes for Sidequest, that:

[T]he sequence is an extended gay panic gag. Cloud is hit on and nearly sexually assaulted, and the game plays it coldly and crassly for laughs,” and that the remake’s Wall Market “still grounds itself in the original’s cruel, comedic construction.

Furthermore, there has been some concern regarding the game’s depiction of Barret, its one black lead character. LadyAce finds Barret to be a “very complex character with a lot of agency,” and does…

October 31st

…in Vanguard having laser sights), or those who are fascinated with World War II enough to jump into the series specifically for the voyeurism of it all.”

Quid Game

Cards on the table: I’m not 100% sure the “metaverse” falls neatly within our scope, and part of that is because, as our featured authors highlight below, the concept of the “metaverse” was never very precisely delineated and has only gotten murkier as a concept as tech moguls seek out superficially novel ways to monetize the concept. All the same, I’m happy to include this pair of well-articulated…

May-June 2022

All Sims

This last little section is really a continuation of the first, only slightly more sim-specific.

  • The Refined Tragedy of The Sims – Bram de Groot (1:00)

    The enslavement of The Sims’ titular sims to capitalism mirrors our own, points out Bram de Groot. (Manual captions)

  • How Fandom Makes Or Breaks Gaming – Waypoint (29:30)

    In a wide-ranging essay and follow-up panel discussion, Dexter Thomas looks at how white male adolescents became the assumed audience of game companies in the 90s, and conversely how Black content-creators and fan communities have

Uncharted 2

…design, but a question of quality,” insisting that making a game relying on “’30s serial action adventure movie tropes” must be done with “plenty of style, panache and Hollywood production values to carry you over all the obvious pitfalls.” Additionally, the characters have to feature naturally smart dialogue, gameplay directly connected to the story and, above all, enjoyable play mechanics. “If this all sounds terribly formulaic, that’s because it is,” said Abbott.

Formula can be the paint-by-numbers template that makes your project look wholly derivative, or it can be the sturdy container that holds something special. You’d be

Gejun Huang | Keywords in Play, Episode 26

Hugh: Gejun, you’ve done a fair bit of work in the area, I guess, of game production studies in China and specifically in Shanghai. I’d like to discuss your 2021 paper “Social Capital and Venture Creation: Identifying Entrepreneurial Opportunities in the Chinese Digital Game Industry”. Can you introduce the paper and how it came about?

Gejun: Yeah, of course, I would love to. This paper is part of my doctoral dissertation that explores the fast-growing scenario of gaming entrepreneurship in Shanghai, particularly, before the pandemic. So, it’s a pre-pandemic research. In this article, I focus on how…

Bo Ruberg | Keywords in Play, Episode 3

…fascinating when you watch the runs, they do it by going as straight as is physically possible. Like literally when walking in space, it’s about creating the straightest possible line. And so what does it mean to have this queer game that’s been straightened, like literally straightened by speedrunners? There’s so many interesting things they’re doing but it’s like really productively intentioned with queerness.

Darshana: Yeah, and I think that, that question of how do we go beyond content or form to get, I guess, something philosophical which is what you’re, you’re doing and there is an easier segway…

September 4th

…can’t quite balance on a knife edge | Rock Paper Shotgun Alice Bell praises Immortality‘s intent but has some quibbles about its context.

  • ‘Immortality’ review: A riveting film experiment but a mediocre video game | Inverse Willa Rowe finds in Immortality an intrguing game too at odds with itself to ultimately succeed.
  • Immortality review: An experimental bridge between film and video games | Polygon Alexis Ong’s admiration for Immortality‘s accomplishments in the micro ameliorate her frustrations with its hindrances in the macro.
  • “The only way to fully appreciate the scope of this project, flaws and…

    This Month in Videogame Vlogging: March 2024

    …enjoyable few hours, even if – ironically – the sound accessibility settings left a bit to be desired.

  • Alan Wake is a Little Silly – The Paracosm of Alan Wake – A Very Personal Retrospective | Timmm (1:31:03) Timmm uses the narrative device of Remedy Entertainment’s history from Death Rally to Alan Wake II – and their tendency to always be precariously balanced on a knife’s edge between total self-seriousness and endearing-if-nearly-game-breaking silliness – to reflect on his own struggles and triumphs as an aspiring writer.
  • Returning to Red Dead Redemption 2 | NakeyJakey (25:45) Jacob Christensen returns…
  • Víctor Navarro-Remesal and Thiago Falcão | Keywords in Play, Episode 11

    …this chapter. The idea is to create something that people can inherit, and something people can use and something people can have in their presentation cards, so to speak, and say, “no, no, I’m part of this community, and this community supporting me financially and intellectually and even emotionally”. It’s very hard to do research. I’m going to go into an attack and a rant on neoliberalism now, but I think we are not supposed to be islands, we are supposed to be people talking constantly to each other. Sometimes collaborating, often collaborating, sometimes working all by ourselves and lonely

    Rob Gallagher | Keywords in Play, Episode 4

    …of the interface that is presented in these types of games. A lot of them are kind of a bit nostalgic, I guess ‘Her Story’ is probably the strongest example of that, because it really goes out of its way to make it look like a CRT monitor and kind of include all these, you know, bits of Windows 95 style buttons and so on. But a lot of others try to, you know, represent things that are a lot more contemporary or even, you know, kind of futuristic or like speculative like “oh they could potentially make an app…