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March 5th

…Love Across the Fourth Wall | Haywire Magazine Eric Cline finds heady themes of death, purpose, and reality in a seemingly silly self-referential crossover game with Namco and Homestuck characters.

“Though it gleefully acknowledges its status as a work of fiction, Namco High avoids the pitfalls of shallow meta commentary by inviting the player to consider the similarities between the game world and their own. The point is not the acknowledgement of artifice, but the blurring of any meaningful distinction from the real.”

Critical Chaser

This one really is a hall-of-famer.

  • Popeye…

July 24th

…him at this point, choosing to accept this quest. He started talking about how he and his wife settled down here, that they were happy and finally ready to move on from a live of hardship. Boone was in the NCR, a 1st Recon Sniper in fact, who still carried a hunting rifle.

JP Grant writes about ‘Taylor’s Tower’ at the blog Infinite Lag, and for my money it’s probably the most interesting thing I’ve seen anyone squeeze out of the tiny, much maligned game:

What strikes me most about Tiny Tower is how transparently and,…

02: Danger

…a film that sure has a language of vulnerability, of all sorts of textures. There’s a lot going on in that movie, and it’s horrifying and surreal, but it’s also very centralized on this couple separating, with a man who is extremely reasonable and logical and his wife who utterly refuses to give him any sort of satisfaction and absolutely won’t be cowed. Her performance is so intense and so hard to watch, but it made me feel understood on some level? Like, he wants to talk to her calmly and logically pressure her into doing things she absolutely doesn’t…

March 14th

…popularly-assumed low point in the famously-misunderstood-outside-Japan adventure series.

  • Bravely Default 2 Cannot Stop Talking About What Grandpa Did In The War | Fanbyte Ren finds something slightly off in how Bravely Default 2 adeptly reproduces the idiosyncracies of its old-school Squaresoft forebears without necessarily undertsanding the technical and histrical context in which those games were produced.
  • “I want Bravely Default 2 to challenge and play with this idea of its genre, I want it to reimagine the SquareSoft JRPG towards something new. I want it to have ambition. It doesn’t, really. Bravely Default 2 thinks the…

    Leon Xiao | Keywords in Play, Episode 15

    …actually know what 0.4% of the time the player will receive. Another example with highlighting is shown in figure 8. This one discloses a range of probabilities. For example, it says the probabilities of obtaining a specific item is between 0.5% and 2%. That’s actually a very big difference on one hand on the 2.0% hand it is four times more likely to receive the reward than on the 0.5% time. So, we don’t actually know what the exact probabilities of obtaining a specific reward is. Finally, I think another one is worth highlighting is actually figure 5 this is…

    Xavier Ho | Keywords in Play, Episode 30

    …even educational games. By the way, I’m really interested to find out sort of their motivations, why they are doing the work they do, as well as the type of sort of responses the medium has out there and how they can make their work more financially sustainable and also hopefully have a good reception in the public interest. Trying to document the work that’s been happening throughout the years, because as we know if you don’t document digital stuff they go away and videogames in particular, just like – you know, films on Netflix and Apple TV once they…

    This Year in Videogame Blogging: 2020

    bit about Asobo Studio’s A Plague Tale: Innocence, but mostly it’s a very thorough art history of the sky in Western painting, with particular attention paid to John Ruskin and the connection between the industrial revolution and climate change.

  • Unearthly Forms | Bullet Points Monthly Cian Maher reads Death Stranding through comparison with work by Romantics such as Shelley, Wordsworth, and Ballard.
  • Pathologic 2

    • Difficult Stress | Bullet Points Monthly Yussef Cole writes about the difficulty of writing about Pathologic 2 in a world where the idea of a life-altering pandemic has gone from speculative…

    April 18th

    Interventions Divine and Otherwise

    Here we’ve got a trio of pieces that situate their subject games in the contemporary material-world frameworks and structures that give them meaning. One does so to intervene, while another is ultimately more passively reflective of the world in which it has been made, and Neo Cab manages to pull off both.

    • Killing Our Gods: The Divine Family of Hades Mimics Earthly Capitalist Structures – Uppercut Grace Benfell is back with a deep structural analysis of Hades‘ ultimate reaffirmation of the heterosexual nuclear family.
    • Goodbye Cruel World | Electron Dance Joel

    May 30th

    “Just make it canon: Phoenix Wright is a Japanese American man. The series’ localization team cannot reset the path they have laid in front of them without destroying it, completely obliterating the composition established in Ace Attorney games for English-speaking fans. Instead, this should be taken as an opportunity to move forward and establish a new normal in order to imagine a future and America where these characters rightfully deserve to be unequivocally and unapologetically Asian in without scrutiny or censorship.”

    Bitter Sweetroll

    Next up, a pair of meditations on the Elder Scrolls series, alternately

    May 5th

    …flaws, a whole vibe.

    “If there was more to it, I probably wouldn’t want to be here for its own sake in quite the same way. If Endless Ocean Luminous was slightly better at being a game, I would have moved on already.”

    Reflect and Refract

    Archives and memoirs take centre stage in this historically-minded section.

    • Steve Reich’s Music in Jordan Mechner’s Graphic Memoir Replay | PopMatters Luis Aguasvivas makes connections through history and media in Jordan Mechner’s graphic novel memoir.
    • 25 years of Games That Weren’t | Games That Weren’t…