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May 3rd

Links updated June 29th 2017

Welcome to another exciting instalment of This Week In Videogame Blogging. Before we dive in, I should probably explain how I go about compiling this list of the best stuff from around the blogosphere from the week. It goes something like this:

I have a Word document. When I read something on a blog that I think is worth noting, I copy and paste the URL into the document. That’s it. The downside is I only have so many blogs in my RSS feed and I can’t cover them all. When I

Game controls and the ephemeral ‘feel’

In a recent post at his blog The Inbetween, Mike Nowak bemoans the gap between intent and action which appears when game controls are more than usually complicated. Nowak notes that the unwieldy button combos in the Street Fighter series would seem unacceptable elsewhere.

This [kind of] first person shooter doesn’t exist. Can you imagine the backlash if it did? Controls like this in such a competitive and highly reactive genre would be dismissed in an instant. No one wants such a vast roadblock between intent and action in a game. It adds nothing but an added

June 28th

…exploration so this is officially on my ‘must play someday’ list. Also spotted at RPS, Alec Meer is on a Morrowind bender all this week and the diary-like entries make for some excellent reading. I often say I enjoy writing about games more than playing them, but in this instance I think I also enjoy reading about the game more than playing it.

Indie Gaming Bingo’s Dustin Gunn makes some poignant criticisms of… a fictional future indie game? Or is Night Game an actual game and it’s just written from the perspective of the enlightened future? Either way, colour…

September 6th

…intelligent people about the first half of 2009. Episode 25 Parts One, Two and Three are all out as of the time of writing. (Bonus Trivia: This week marks the 25th installment of TWIVGB if you count the first two that weren’t posted on CD)

Jim Rossignol, who I would consider Eve Online’s most loquacious advocate, wrote what is possibly one of my favourite pieces on the game in a long, long time. “The Five Year Spree” comes in five parts and I highly recommend them all: Part One is here. Also at Rock, Paper, Shotgun this week is…

October 18th & 25th

Welcome back to This Week in Videogame Blogging, another instalment of the most interesting bits of reading I’ve found across the blogosphere this week. Actually, last week got lost in the shuffle while being obscenely busy. So here it is, the first ever Last Few Week In Videogame Blogging (doesn’t have the same ring to it, does it?).

In the preceding week, Michael Clarkson talked about a Wii game that no one else seems to have even heard about, let alone given the same level of thoughtful critique. In ‘Touch the void’ Clarkson discusses Cursed Mountain, saying,

December 6th

Time again for another instalment of This Week In Videogame Blogging – but first a quick preface. I want to apologise to all the people who have emailed links over the past few months with and suggestions to pieces of critical writing. Most of the time I haven’t responded, but I do get them and I appreciate all of them. So if I didn’t include yours in a weekly roundup it’s probably because I didn’t think it was quite appropriate, but please don’t let that discourage you from sending them in the future – even links to your own

April 4th

…to believe God of War III has. Still, the piece comes recommended by Eric Swain, so that counts for something.

The Game Locker continues his series of ‘Games Worth Remembering’ with the first half of a multi-part video essay on Ico & Shadow of the Colossus. If you liked his video essay on Flower we linked to a few weeks ago, you’ll love the latest instalment.

Fraser Allison at a visually revamped Red Kings Dream writes this week about the Xbox and how it might not be the unanimously declared “winner” of the console wars [dead link, no…

April 25th

Welcome to another hefty instalment of This Week in Videogame Blogging.

First up, Daniel Floyd, he of the funny voice filter, presents part 8 of his video lecture series on games. This one is about ‘Video Games and Moral Choices’ apparently and was co-written with game designer James Portnow.

Simon Cottee played a game of Sleep is Death. That in itself is not extraordinary, but he turned it into a short film called ‘Rule’, which is rather extraordinary.

Boing Boing had a piece this week called ‘Chimerical Avatars and Other Identity Experiments from Prof. Fox Harrell’.

Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

May 9th

…reliance on game PR. His conclusions, while hardly new to anyone familiar with the occasionally too-cosy relationship between journalists and PR [dead link, no mirror available], nevertheless strike an important contemporary note. Says, Orland, ‘The next time you wonder why game journalism is often seen as just an extension of video game PR, remember “events” like this.’

“It’s Never Just A Game” [mirror] is a series by James Vonder Haar currently running at The Border House blog, and in the first instalment he looks at why escapism in service of entertainment is no excuse to uncritically accept negative or…

May 16th

Another week, another fresh crop of some of the best videogame blogging the web has to offer.

Game Locker on YouTube brings a new instalment of his ‘Games Worth Remembering’ series, finishing up the two-part analysis of Ico and Shadow of the Colossus he started a few weeks ago.

Michael Abbott at The Brainy Gamer wrote about Metacritic this week, always a contentious topic, and one that provoked a response by John Jackson at Games Aren’t Numbers [mirror], who says

Metacritic is a symptom, not a problem. It will change when we change.