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Abstract image evoking bird silhouette

January 23rd

…responding to last week’s Steven Totilo Kotaku article. Also along for the ride is Bitmob’s Chase Koeneke with another defense of ‘Why game music matters’ [mirror].

Also at Bitmob this week, Dennis Scimeca does a little bit of interesting research into how outlets review RPGs [mirror]:

I tried to read all 77 critic reviews of Fallout: New Vegas on Metacritic in order to see how many of the writers actually finished the game, but I could only get through 26 before I almost died from boredom. Of those 26, only one reviewer stated that he finished the

November 8th

Welcome back readers.

Hey, cheers to you, really, for having the energy to click on our latest issue after the week it’s been. Hope you’ve had the chance to catch your breath after this extended (inter)national nightmare of the last four years. At the same time, I’ve personally borne witness to no structural changes or political shifts that indicate to me that the threat of police violence against Black, Brown, and Indigenous people has in any way abated, so I’ll begin with my usual starting points:

  • Check out the ways in which you can support protests

March 28th

  • Story of Seasons let me reimagine my homophobic, rural childhood | Gayming Magazine Kylie Noble contemplates Mineral Town as a queer rural utopia.
  • “I used to be fiercely opposed to marriage and family. In Story of Seasons, I discovered a longing, I never knew I had. After many “lost years”, of suppressing and denying my lesbian self, and a range of grim to traumatic experiences dating men, this lockdown feels especially hard. My virtual wife, and queer life, in Mineral Town, provides a way to live the future, I long for.”

    Critical Chaser

    November 28th

    …playgrounds built over the years by community mapmakers working in a long-running co-op Half-Life mod.

    • IT’S NOT A MISTAKE – DEEP HELL Skeleton spends some time in the many verses of Sven Co-op‘s liminal, user-created playgrounds.

    “We joke about The Metaverse already existing, somewhere drifting between abandoned campaign maps and the fraying electrical cables of the GoldSrc engine making themselves apparent with buzzing and sparking. It’s always been here, hasn’t it?”

    We’re deep enough in the roundup–virtual worlds, mods within mods–to revisit the dreaded “what is a game, anyway?” question, not in a…

    Brendan Keogh | Keywords in Play, Episode 31

    …that the game industry is a cultural industry and not a technological industry and that means, supporting all sorts of seemingly non-commercial activity in order to foster the type of commercial tip of the iceberg. I think I mixed enough metaphors there.

    Mahli-Ann: Yes, and I think you’ve also given us a lovely summary of how, for anyone else who hasn’t started reading it yet or has, to now go and pick up a copy, even for free as a pdf, or get one through the store, right?

    Brendan: Yeah, it’s been, something that’s been very interesting…

    May 5th

    …was that I wasn’t playing a video game alone anymore. I wasn’t experiencing these franchises alone. After playing the 2021 sequel Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach, Saiben and I watched Markiplier play it. Whenever he’d find something “golden,” a reference to the theory that anything gold in color meant that it was part of the hidden lore of the franchise, Markiplier, Saiben, and I would yell, “The lore!,” referencing MatPat. These channels and franchises have become interconnected, and the communities are enthusiastic and welcoming. Playing these games has become such a communal experience, and letting one of the community…

    February 20th

    …game’s challenges – but only once they’ve earned it. as in all consensual masochism, though, there is the everpresent issue of trust.

    M. Suliman newly of the blog Mending the Wall, formerly of Bergsonian Critique, wrote this week about ‘The Two Voices of Isaac Clarke’ [mirror]:

    when Visceral Games decided to give the mechanical engineer Isaac Clarke a voice in Dead Space 2, who has remained practically mute in the original Dead Space, they also had to give him a new personality to go along with it. Because, as it turns out, it is inevitably difficult…

    September 22nd

    …upon a novel idea: how about actually asking military servicewomen what they think of depictions of servicewomen in games?

    Maybe It’s A Generational Thing

    Damn kids on lawns, etc. On her professional blog, Hamlet on the Holodeck‘s Janet Murray shares her DiGRA 2013 keynote slides on the state of game studies.

    Elsewhere, responses keep trickling in to Eric Zimmerman’s Manifesto for a Ludic Century. Zimmerman has collated many of the responses himself, and attempts to lend a little stronger context to it. Meanwhile, over on Kill Screen, Abe Stein takes issue with Zimmerman’s manifesto as attending largely…

    This Year In Videogame Blogging: 2013

    Here we are at the end of 2013, on the cusp of a new year, we at Critical Distance look back at all of the great criticism of the year. We trudged through the 1265 links we featured in the 2013 entries of TWIVGB and then checked the additional 50 recommendations you, the readers, submitted for consideration. From all of that we did our best to whittle a curatorial list of the most memorable, most important and most representative critical pieces of year. Critical Distance is proud to present the 2013 edition of This Year in Video Game Blogging.

    01: Subjectivity

    …well be undercut entirely if subjectivity reigned but much like the academics that scoff at experiential examination, consumers seem to lack empathy for positions other than their own. Hell, I struggle with it. This larger lack of empathy is difficult to even contemplate because it runs counter to the skills that games teach us. All engagement with a text requires some empathy regardless of the medium and while I’m not much for extolling the “Power of Video Games™”, the degree to which they demand players to actively identify with digital actors via projection should, in theory, engender amazing amounts of…