August 21st
byWelcome back readers. I don’t recall the exact date without looking, but I’m right around the four year mark of doing this whole senior curator thing. In that time I’ve read… a lot of cool pieces. So here’s twelve more! This Week…
How do games reflect or critique the relationship between labour, labourers, consumers, and products?
Welcome back readers. I don’t recall the exact date without looking, but I’m right around the four year mark of doing this whole senior curator thing. In that time I’ve read… a lot of cool pieces. So here’s twelve more! This Week…
Welcome back, readers. You’ll never believe what happened to me today, reader, for this issue to be going out so late in the evening. Well. . . actually, you would believe it. It’s all entirely believable, and not entirely interesting. Long story…
Welcome back, readers. Gosh, this is a very late video-content roundup. It’s been one of those months. Sometimes these things get away from you (in this case ‘things’ meaning ‘watching vods about videogames’, and ‘you’ meaning ‘me’). My apologies. Hopefully this has…
Welcome back, readers. First things first: If you haven’t already seen Kris’ post on the site, it’s time for our end-of-year review, and we’re looking for your submissions and recommendations as we put everything together. Remember that both works that have and…
Welcome back, readers. I try not to take up too much space myself in these roundups from week-to-week but this week we’ve got to talk. You ever see those tweets about how 2019 feels like it’s been roughly a million years long?…
Welcome back, readers. There’s lots of interesting writing on games this week, particularly from non-gaming-focused outlets. There’s also, it seems, a whole lot of big-name titles with really interesting writing coming out right now. Disco Elysium and The Outer Worlds come immediately…
Welcome back, readers. I can’t tell whether it’s more to do with the uptick in coverage on spooky games, the sudden drop in temperature in my area, or the flurry of seasonal Twitter handles in my timeline, but Fall feels like it’s…
Welcome back, readers. Despite presently being shipwrecked on Koholint Island and simultaneously stranded in Azeroth I had the pleasure of reading a bunch of cool games crit this week. Also, apropros of absolutely nothing specific happening in games news this week, have…
Welcome back, readers. Sorry, I can’t answer the phone right now (what’s a phone. . . ?). Mario Maker 2 is out, and I am in deep. Pride Month draws to a close today, and we’ve got a selection of great queer…
Welcome back, readers. So, gaming disorder, huh? That’s a thing this week. I’m interested to see what kinds of critical responses emerge on this topic over the coming weeks, and how that influences (or doesn’t influence) the turn by big publishers towards…